lnq 👨🏿‍🦱: Stewart
Showing posts with label Stewart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stewart. Show all posts

/ Opus Cell, aria.1

/ name-changing Stewart's Opera

'Stewart's Opera' is now just called 'Stewart'. The change was made to draw attention to the Opera being a product of stew choreography - as is, and so there is no need for the redundancy. Likewise, 'stew choreography' is just that [and no longer the extended form of 'stewart' ("the art of stew choreography")]. Note, however, that the paperclip (hashtag) remains as #StewartsOpera.

/ Stewart

Composer: Link Starbureiy



Stewart's logo Stewart is the ring of all six-hundred seventy-six (676) developii# in their entirety*. An puzzle dispenser, its subject^ is rooted in BOT, thus allowing game logic to sort (via endpoint control) the portfolio (at stews) for the fitness of lnq and his walk.Each opus is a ballet. Decrypted and encrypted. Egglepple (see also lnq's Starting Five, developus, fugue, Stewniverse, Mathilda, RONALD, UUallet, creatures)

/// +This is only an 'opera' in the sense of it being a collection of opuses. We compensate for slack with the developus.

+Here, the word 'Stewart' signifies "the art of stew choreography". On an historical note, the opera was originally called Stewart's Opera. Technically, it should be classified as an opéra-ballet because each opus is its own ballet.

+We define 'fitness' as the ability to transfer currency across twistor space. Here, it implies a quotient normalization, particularly on the handicap.

This is how it will play out in rotisserie mode:
Gameplay is a continuous event; each game is it own finite runtime (opus) of the opera.

An opus is dyadic (u,u), and labeled corresponding to the start and stop leaves (verso/recto) of its string (yesegalo). In order to distinguish an opus, it is given a numerical value of its stew count, and additionally, the total weight of those cells.

So, for instance, in our example, #EX.100 [888], E (start) and X (stop) are the leaves, 100 is the stew count, and [888] is the font weight.

These alphanumeric values can be adjusted on the operatic dialpad, which, when called (select: opera button), overlays the rotisserie.

Sample key combinatorics here:




























As the prime directive of the jukebox, Mathilda is UUe's platform for making tempo adjustments. Its libretto is UUhistlegrass. (see also lnq's Starting Five, Stewart, RONALD, UUallet, tip)

This is a suite for all of the ballets in performance of The Origamic Symphony. The suite speaks to/covers the quaternary structure of Egglepple.

Mathilda hosts various extension* paradigms. This is an umbrella for all jukebox-related ballets in performance of stew choreography. Existentially, these activities encourage an ecodiversity of random coil for polynomial efficacy.Namely bubblegum, link, and spots.
Here's how the ballet will flow in rotisserie mode:
UUe's ludology revolves around folding string. More precisely, how to obtain a completely closed circuit (0b) from an open string

To do this, we progress through three (3) parts: the opening, middlegame, and endgame.

The opening is what concerns us here. Optionally, we may enter a string orientation (which confines its twistor space), called random coil. I personally call it 'scribble', because, since it can assume any shape, that's what it looks like drawn out. The important thing to remember, however, is that coil cannot cross/intersect in two dimensions (2d) (we use stew choreography instead). Note, though, that there actually is strategy involved in random coil design (hence, it's not truly random).

To input a random coil, we simply draw it in the space to the left of the 'juke' button on the rotisserie. Conversely, this space will also output (show) a result (fibor).

You can actually 'dance', so to speak, right now in Euclidean space (3D). The Stewdio's API is functional (but only for Web), you would just have to supply the hardware.
Function map: MathildaStewartUUelcome

/ Robot🤖 (play)

Robot :== a short one act performance and composition by 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy debuting March 19, 1997. The play is a solo piece about a fictional cyborg (🧑🏿lnq) on Earth's🌍 moon🌚🌙 sometime in the near-distant future.

The ideation and drafting for Robot began in February 1997. This was his final creative arts assignment (complementing the technical piece) as a schoolboy, and was scheduled to be performed in a talent show the following month. Robot is 🧑🏿lnq's first thematic piece (no box office), and often credited as the beginning(s) of the proprietorship, Link Egglepple Starbureiy, as well as his foray into cyberpunk.

Robot was part of an annual school-wide talent show that I took part in. The previous year, I had done a Michael Jackson impersonation routine (Smooth Criminal/Moonwalker), which went over pretty well. I then wanted to try my hand at something original, which is where this botched act came in; I sought the assistance of a classmate - whom he and I drew comicbooks together for fun - to help with the storyboarding, but he, too, was busy at that time as we were seniors trying to close out our high school careers and projects.

I immediately labeled the show a debacle👎👎, and attribute my poor outtake to lack of preparation (the script was still being edited only minutes leading to showtime) and a mishandling of the itinerary by stage crew (and some other lame excuses; in truth, I just sucked😵). In all, I later saw the show as a blessing that I would use as fuel to create more one-man acts (later attributed to my foray into deeper performance art that Summer) which evolved my opéra-ballet, Stewart.

It should be noted that I came up in the era of Nintendo. A major platform game of the time was The Legend of Zelda[z]. It's a great franchise. No, my name is not Link after the protagonist character in the game; it's my real name. Anyway, there was no 'Zelda' to speak of in my adventures, so I just adopted 'Link, The Legend' to fancy my ego. And now you know.🤭 (do not confuse with 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy%roster, cyborg, or Starbureiy automaton)

/ link

link :== coupler of two or more objects. Topologically, a link is a non-intersecting collection of knots🪢. A link is also a single element comprising a chain. -- Additionally, it refers to a discrete brane 'hyperlinked' to other branes in some cellular automata scheme.
/// Likewise, we can describe a knot as a link with one (1) component.


Metrically, a link* (symbol: L) :== the standardized cent🪙-to-calorie conversion -- our derived cryptocurrent unit^ in stewcing expressed as bytes. ** Named after 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy. ^^ Links can be conjoined🔗 (get it?) to yield an energy🔋 signature.

As 💱spreadable@ crypto🧩, a link (Q♭) :== minima fibor as a control [fret = 0.000384615385¢~ (≈ $1.00 cap)] in trades. @@ ie. strategies get extrapolated to other fibors. ~~ ie. 1/26 of initial penny fret to get $1.00. This is our Q♯🎶 entrée [part of the standard opening for encryption], which acts as the default (however interchangeable) ballet on UUe's rotisserie. (see +list, QQ, 🧑🏿lnq, stew, juke tax, residue, token, MONEY, penny fret, toy, font, c@$#tag, 🧑🏿lnq's bubblegum)

/ Stewniverse [virtual nerve]

"One neuron to rule them all." - 🧑🏿lnq

lnq🧑🏿 refers to 'the gym* linking his savefiles' as the Stewniverse :== kernelspace parametrizing all Q♯-runtime neural states.^ ** ie. stewc field ^^ Ellis🧑🏿 matrix
/// +"Stewniversal" is a catch-all for everything that has to do with 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy, Egglepple, UUe, UUelcome (+licensure) [uue/:], stew choreography, and the like.
+In a way, the Stewniverse is a conditional metaphor for my autism, as I persistently live in this world. It is an analogue for virtuality.

Colloquially, as its own unofficial openworld& 🪖wargaming league, the Stewniverse (SNV) complements streaming. && Meaning that gameplay can happen anywhere. (see lnq🧑🏿, treble, k-mode, egghead (mask), 🧑🏿lnq's Galaxy, avatar, "Egglepple, everywhere!", Stewperman🦸🏿‍♂️)
Function map: stewc fieldEgglepple ... > Sport Meadow > Mathtana > Mathfrica > ... > Stewniverse

/ stew choreography [neuroinformatics]

The art of stew choreography :== the process of stereotyping* (brane-folding) STU using fruut to keyframe [sequence/map by hyperlinking] stews.** Print the portfolio as a sponge. This is our "proof-of-work"~ concept [ie. juking exercise for 'meshing' UUe's cryptocommodity (¢ents🪙)], and should solve twistorspaces (via encryption).~~ And/Or 'proof-of-space'.

Per gameplay, stew choreography (or dribbling [endpoint control]&) forms a ➿loopstring's middlegame (ie. walk). The Stewdio is used natively [default] for improvising.&& String command. (see juke notation, ballet, stewart, touch-and-go, 🧑🏿lnq's walk, joey)
/// +stew choreography is a type of animation (interpolation of frames).
+Such choreography is inferred by "the ballet of The Origamic Symphony🎶". The reason this ballet is necessary is to anticipate dividends. We say that stew choreography is "to γ-proof l-string".
+Any proof-of-work must be validated with a signature/handshake.
+Every single stew on a loopstring must be affected for a yield to be accurate.

Function map: random coilstew choreographyfibor

/ UUelcome™ [(8-qubit/1-byte) n-fs exploit]

Impresario: 🧑🏿lnq | © ISSN 2165-6738

UUelcome :== STU-sequence
/// +This one big string of code includes all fibor [fugue = stews, MONEY, bubblegum] - itself an address space superset, outputted as a cassette (toy), and bootloaded by lnq🧑🏿.
+Sequencing something (iterative consecution) inductively means that it gets streamed [:== framework (+runtime) implementing system calls], which inherently implies achievement unlocking🔓.

(see UUe, quantumquotient [conductor], Stewniverse, stewart, steWAR🪖🎮-🏳,Stewpot, 🧑🏿lnq, Funshine/Toonlight (song), The Origamic Symphony🎶, Ellis🦠, UUhistlegrass, touch-and-go, "Egglepple, everywhere!", "UUelcome, anywhere :)", cassette🧱, Juke Lemma)
/// +(vocabulary) To a large respect, the word is a portmanteau of 'UUe' and the suffix '-ome' [totality of expressed dynamics, function, and structural information - in this case, stews]. Systematically, the word 'uuelcome' has artificial/manufactured congruence to 'genome' (gene + chromosome). The top-level domain [uuelco.ME] is, in part, indicative of this being my thing (about 'me' :== my stream), so, that's why I named it that way.🙂
+As part of neuromorphic machinery (ie. biological abstraction), UUe would be the cell, and UUelcome the cassette🧱 that auctions/orchestrates its contents. In terms of computing, UUelcome :== master boot record embedded into every cell.
+With all fonts classified👍, any mesh becomes stereotypable (ie. polymers can be modeled for print), exploiting a composite image of Egglepple.

Trivia: Before I settled on the name 'UUelcome', I had contemplated calling it 'fun:musicbook'. My vision was that it was always going to be an album of some sort of music (in this case, mathemusic). The 'fun' bit had/has to do with the FUN Formula.
///end trivia

My pro-am start was as a ctf🏁 gamer. This parlayed into what amounted to taking on group puzzles🧩[h], which led me to managing teams of participants. This is the reason I doubled-down on creating my own stream - because I figured that it would be more economical to devise a platform where anybody + everybody could access low-entry 🏁CTFs at will.

The jukebox runs an auction, but supplementing monetization of the proof (pure mathematics is darn near impossible to make money from without sponsorship -- aside: yesteryear, I had a girlfriend whom I once told I was going to 'sell' math for a living, she dumped me the next day😂) is the basic reason gamification exists here in the first place.

The actual stream itself succeeded an earlier attempt of mine in television production - a show called Egglepple: The Mathemagical World. This was me trying to be technical and lamely/gnarly impress the academics of a small college town (resulting in me learning more than I actually output), and I never truly found my audience (note: that program aired on public access television, a narrowcast market).

Production-wise (especially the Funshine🌞 episodes), I was influenced heavily by the arcade machines I was around during my time spent squatting in local Missoula 🎲casinos🎰. Another inspiration came from the dual-formatted game master series, Video Power, as well as scenes from the 1989 film, The Wizard - especially the Super Mario Bros. 3 tournament showcase where the kids/contestants play the game for the very first time anywhere, even before consumers.

Historians note this as a huge moment in cinematic history, where a movie basically served as a longform commercial for a single product/event - the release of a video game🎮 (and the planted germ of e-sports). I present my 🧩puzzling (ctf🏁) in a similar albeit mobile📱 fashion (ie., via demonstrative elements), thus leading me to view the whole world as a gameshow.

The main purpose for designing the stream to be openworld is so that there can exist an unintrusive way to acquire as large as possible clientele on the network, thereby creating the game engine@ to train our model, which aids in QQ exploitation and ultimately neuronal🧑🏿🦠 dev. Although UUelcome is traditionally a recital (demonstrative by default), itself being a contract incentivizes outside participants with a reward function.@@ Parimiutuelity helps to build the distributed superomputer, whose node-to-node proximity is an alternative to the cloud.

My view of 💲money is somewhat skewed; I think a person should make it to the end of their life completely (or near completely) exhausted of energy (ie. money = energy). Since I don't actually sell anything, per se (the jukebox runs an auction on its native cryptocurrency), but serve as the house when it comes to transactions, giveaways as prizes along with other decorations, makes the nature of a gameshow the perfect fit.

"Is there anyone else in the game?!" - 🧑🏿lnq

It^ is a ctf* hashing& 🧑🏿lnq's walk.^^ This so-called 'jukebox recital' and the formulation of contemporary mathemusic are inventions of 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy.🤓 ** Featuring a bid-ask spread in a greedy auction where threads are maximized [flag = thread(max)] (ie. exhaustion of all 676 ports before a new cycle🔄 of the runtime). && abi threading Flags🏁 are identified as 0-bubbles. (see Stewc Lemma, UUelcome License, opera ludo, krayon, 🧑🏿lnq's Requiem, Pink Poem, KOALA🐨, toonage, Funday, treble, vendor, merchant, Black and White, crypto compliance, stewc notation)
/// +For all intents and purposes, this is what I mean when I say that "I op(erate) a jukebox"; UUelcome is 🧑🏿lnq's logic/instinct and signature.
+Performance-wise, UUelcome is an opera ludo. When I stream it solitaire, it's a recital . When shared for playalong (orchestra), it aims to be a sport.

Function map: quantumquotientstewcingUUelcomecassette🧱lnq🦠cell