Impresario: 🧑🏿lnq | © ISSN 2165-6738

uuelco.ME :== STU-
/// +This one big string
of bytecode
includes all fibor [fugue = stews
, MONEY, bubblegum] - itself an address space
superset, outputted
as a cassette
(toy), and bootloaded
by lnq🧑🏿
+Sequencing something (iterative consecution) inductively means that it gets streamed
[:== framework (+runtime) implementing system calls
], which inherently implies achievement unlocking🔓.
quantumquotient [
Funshine/Toonlight (song),
The Origamic Symphony🎶,
"Egglepple, everywhere!",
"uuelco.ME, anywhere :)",
Stewc Lemma)

/// +(vocabulary) To a large respect, the word is a portmanteau of 'UUe' and the suffix '-ome' [totality of expressed dynamics, function
, and structural information - in this case, stews
]. Systematically, the word 'uuelcome' has artificial/manufactured congruence to 'genome' (gene + chromosome). The top-level domain [@uuelco.ME]
is, in part, indicative of this being my thing (about 'me' :== my stream
), so, that's why I named it that way.🙂
+As part of neuromorphic machinery (ie. biological abstraction), UUe would be the cell, and uuelco.ME the cassette🧱
that auctions/orchestrates
its contents. In terms of computing
, uuelco.ME :== master boot record
into every cell.
+With all fonts classified
👍, any mesh
becomes stereotypable
(ie. polymers can be modeled
for print
), exploiting
a composite image of Egglepple.
Trivia: Before I settled on the name 'uuelco.ME', I had contemplated calling it 'fun:musicbook'. My vision was that it was always going to be an album of some sort of music (in this case, mathemusic ). The 'fun' bit had/has to do with the FUN Formula.
///end trivia
My pro-am start was as a ctf🏁 gamer . This parlayed into what amounted to taking on group puzzles🧩 [h], which led me to managing teams of participants. This is the reason I doubled-down on creating my own stream - because I figured that it would be more economical to devise a platform where anybody + everybody could access low-entry 🏁CTFs at will.
The jukebox runs an auction, but supplementing monetization of the proof (pure mathematics is darn near impossible to make money from without sponsorship -- aside: yesteryear, I had a girlfriend whom I once told I was going to 'sell' math for a living, she dumped me the next day😂) is the basic reason gamification exists here in the first place.
The actual stream itself succeeded an earlier attempt of mine in television production - a show called Egglepple: The Mathemagical World. This was me trying to be technical and lamely/gnarly impress the academics of a small college town (resulting in me learning more than I actually output ), and I never truly found my audience (note: that program aired on public access television, a narrowcast market).
Production-wise (especially the Funshine🌞 episodes), I was influenced heavily by the arcade machines I was around during my time spent squatting in local Missoula 🎲casinos🎰. Another inspiration came from the dual-formatted game master series, Video Power, as well as scenes from the 1989 film, The Wizard - especially the Super Mario Bros. 3 tournament showcase where the kids/contestants play the game for the very first time anywhere, even before consumers.
Historians note this as a huge moment in cinematic history, where a movie basically served as a longform commercial for a single product/event - the release of a video game🎮 (and the planted germ of e-sports). I present my opera (ctf🏁) in a similar albeit mobile📱 fashion (ie., via demonstrative elements ), thus leading me to view the whole world as a gameshow .
The main purpose for designing the stream to be openworld is so that there can exist an unintrusive way to acquire as large as possible clientele on the network , thereby creating the game engine @ to train our model, which aids in QQ exploitation and ultimately neuronal🧑🏿🦠 dev . Although uuelco.ME is traditionally a recital (demonstrative by default), itself being a contract incentivizes outside participants with a reward function .@@ Parimiutuelity helps to build the distributed superomputer , whose node-to-node proximity is an alternative to the cloud .
My view of 💲money is somewhat skewed; I think a person should make it to the end of their life completely (or near completely) exhausted of energy (ie. money = energy ). Since I don't actually sell anything, per se (the jukebox runs an auction on its native cryptocurrency ), but serve as the house when it comes to transactions , giveaways as prizes along with other decorations, makes the nature of a gameshow the perfect fit.
"Is there anyone else in the game?!" - 🧑🏿lnq
^ is a
ctf* hashing& 🧑🏿lnq's walk.
^^ This so-called 'jukebox
recital' and the formulation of contemporary mathemusic
are inventions of 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy.🤓 ** Featuring a bid-ask spread in a greedy auction where threads
are maximized [flag = thread(max)]
(ie. exhaustion of all 676 ports
before a new cycle🔄 of the runtime
). && abi threading
Flags🏁 are
identified as
0-bubbles. (see
Stewc Lemma,
uuelco.ME License,
opera ludo,
🧑🏿lnq's Requiem,
Pink Poem,
Black and White,
crypto compliance,
stewc notation)

/// +For all intents and purposes, this is what I mean when I say that "I op(erate)
a jukebox
"; uuelco.ME is 🧑🏿lnq's logic
/instinct and signature
+Performance-wise, uuelco.ME is an opera ludo
. When I stream
it solitaire, it's a recital . When shared for playalong (orchestra), it aims to be a sport

Function map:
quantumquotient ←
stewcing ←
uuelcoME →
cassette🧱 ⇔
lnq🦠 →