$Lnq 👨🏿‍🦱 $Lnq 👨🏿‍🦱: Stewc Lemma

/Stewc Lemma

Theorist: 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy
Lemma: All phenomena* is stewcable.** Statistically-speaking, these are branes 0-25 simultaneously occupying the same quantum state of Egglepple.

The Lemma (as Q♭ logic) purports that the activity of stewcing (within the framework of a jukebox, namely UUelcome) is a most efficient attempt at satisfying the criterion for stereotyping STU.

Assuming scale-agnostic load modulation, it branches from the axiom that quantacommodization is /-root-authenticated/tolerated within stewc field [ring 0]. Being that stewcing is a non-terminating program, (shifting) kernel compliancy is sufficient Lemma resolution. (see QQ, Egglepple, everywhere!, string ludology, MONEY algorithm)
TOSUUe /// Efficiency is determined from the time complexity of stewcing. Twistorspace is curvilinear [sesquilinear], so it is implied that either approach (loop➰ or string) will eventually arrive at the same result (loopstring➿).
Function map: quantumquotientStewc LemmaPink PoemUUelcome