"What I wear wears me." - lnq🧑🏿
🧑🏿lnq's Pajamas (mosttimes simply Pajamas or pajamas) - his everyday wear& - is outfitted^ (sewn) as a perdurable supradermis.&& Receptor/resonance jacket (ie. a scenario where the supradermis is
). ^^ branded faux (para)military costume 

manifestation of kernel
.+A gobo is a quantum of smart light (ie. a photon batch adhering to some
).+All costumes - particularly those of the toys - are manufactured according to thoughts. The
of transforming involves re-allocating pre-specified fibors
to some place on and around the body to be printed
. The spooler
is programmed
to output
shape and behavioral conformations for each desired outfit.Matte |
/// Extendable, combinations of the outfit's presentation (eg. color scheme, garments, etc.) can be
interchangeably and differ depending on 🧑🏿lnq's preference (for Funshine or Toonlight), activity, and personal taste. For instance
, the jersey also doubles as my hammock.- With his krayon, 🧑🏿lnq can ‘paint*’ anywhere into/onto juke field.** Holographically project the UUelcome Matte's full stack.

- Blown bubbles allow for transvection (whence 🧑🏿lnq is situated within one), letting him float~ around his immediate surrounding geometry [can behave as a (surface-dependent) flotation vehicle].~~ Spooled
is attracted to the youngest (most fresh) bubble, unless directed otherwise.Function map: quantumquotient → UUelcome ↔ Pajamas