lnq 👨🏿‍🦱: toccata
Showing posts with label toccata. Show all posts
Showing posts with label toccata. Show all posts

/ stew choreography [neuroinformatics]

The art of stew choreography :== the process of stereotyping* (brane-folding) STU using fruut to keyframe [sequence/map by hyperlinking] stews.** Print the portfolio as a sponge. This is our "proof-of-work"~ concept [ie. juking exercise for 'meshing' UUe's cryptocommodity (¢ents🪙)], and should solve twistorspaces (via encryption).~~ And/Or 'proof-of-space'.

Per gameplay, stew choreography (or dribbling [endpoint control]&) forms a ➿loopstring's middlegame (ie. walk). The Stewdio is used natively [default] for improvising.&& String command. (see juke notation, ballet, stewart, touch-and-go, 🧑🏿lnq's walk, joey)
/// +stew choreography is a type of animation (interpolation of frames).
+Such choreography is inferred by "the ballet of The Origamic Symphony🎶". The reason this ballet is necessary is to anticipate dividends. We say that stew choreography is "to γ-proof l-string".
+Any proof-of-work must be validated with a signature/handshake.
+Every single stew on a loopstring must be affected for a yield to be accurate.

Function map: random coilstew choreographyfibor

/ joey🐨🪀 [i/o]

"Just me and Joey🐨." - lnq🧑🏿

A/The joey [jukebox i/o (buttons) :== s-surface + UUe interface], colloquially referred to as '🧑🏿lnq's toy cello🎻', :== a class of stringy fingerboard ('little* yoyo🪀') for stew choreography plus other toccata. ** modular+portable, where "joey" here means "small in stature" like a joey🐨🦘 marsupial. Each disk represents one of Joey Koala's ears. (see krayon, Stewdio, yoyo🪀, Joey Koala🐨, Q♯, UUhistlegrass, lnq🧑🏿, Pajamas, 🐨KOALA)
/// +Tidbit: As it is encoded only to me, this is my go-to all-in-one companion foldable portable keyboard (fpk) for 🎮shell interaction. -- Duties are implied when I say that I "op(erate) a jukebox".
+I call it a 'toy' because of its use in gameplay, and refer to it as a 'cello🎻' since stew choreography is a type of animation (interpolation of frames/cells). And, so, "joey" is instrumental in manipulating cells in a spreadsheet to mimic frets (semitones) and establish brane frameworks.
+Orchestrally, I use joey to keyframe and KOALA🐨 for inbetweening (so joey+KOALA🐨 for the entire animation pipeline).
+'Cello🎻' is also a nod to my instrument of choice when I was in school (as an only child, back then it was like a little sibling that I never had). (see Stewsday)

/ improvise

In stewcing, improvisation :== the use of stew choreography to adjust^ a play and contort stewc field to force some zero-bubble (eg. tweak bubblegum with fibor bundling so that it fits a given handicap).^^ Recapitulate an aria.

This usually means that the juker will pursue a different walk with the intent of string closure🔒. Multiplier reliance is optional. Improvising requires both skill and strategy, and therefore, is not subject to chance.*** This is what differentiates juking from the likes of gambling. (see patch, γ-proof, RONALD)
/// Most stewcing activity is likely going to be improvisational because most fibor is subject to bundling. That speaks to the sheer volume of bubblegum in the system.

Stewcers, upon opening🔓 a token session (ie. coupon-building), may want to improvise for sake of ensuring maximum value on their deposit, or (more reasonably) to expedite gameplay/string closure🔒 via loop-erasure. The benefit of improvising is a straight flush💵 (tally of ¢ents🪙 accrued from proof-of-work within a session).

/ touch-and-go

Touch-and-go [H#H] refers to my toccata [style of cheironomy] which utilizes: [touch*](holography) plus [go](#hash) for juking Egglepple++jukebox tuning.** Emphasizing both the concept of "touch on/over" a topic/subject and haptics.

// In composing The Origamic Symphony🎶, gameplay is used: patchwork (orchestrating subiteratives, such as prepatches) are contracted (pu$h/pull → deploy) to solve a 🧩puzzle; configs require signatures on stables. (see joey, krayon, k-mode, gameplay)
/// +Conduction is responsive in juke field.
+I adopted this style because I am/was notoriousy weak in mathematical symbology (eg. Latin/Roman scripts, etc.). So, it's just easiest for me to design and manipulate shapes in truespace, and direct (coordinate) them with if-then-else statements.

/ hologram

(see sticker, stamp, mesh, touch-and-go, juke notation, fibor, hash, mathematical model)

/ krayon

The krayon (also known as 🧑🏿lnq's finger) :== a colloquy (for any number of) 🧑🏿lnq's personal choice of flageolet pencil✏️ (conductional in a juke field).
UUe /// The spelling with a 'k' is of my recipe. It's actually (or would be) 'crayon🖍' (like the wax-based stylus), a favorite tool of mine used throughout my career for painting.

The krayon hosts a complete copy@ [latest build] of UUelcome, and is, defaultly, an organic membrane utensil wrapping 🧑🏿lnq's yoyo finger, as his jointed digitus secundus* [with an end serving as the ornamenter].@@ Coded only to me, the impresario. ** Any finger (usually aside from the pollex) should suffice.

When called, it undocks/peels from the hand allowing it to transform (unroll) into a bow [+joey]. 🧑🏿lnq may (characteristically) also choose to wear the (dislodged) krayon held behind an ear. (see yoyo, 🧠brainbrane, Stewdio, UUelcome Matte, Koala Krayon, Pajamas, 🧑🏿lnq's bubblegum, cassette, k-mode. Compare baton)

/ j-surface

A j-surface ('j' for juke) :== a smart topological membrane for projecting the UUe interface onto for toccata purposes. (see juke field, joey, Egglepple, everywhere!)

/ lyre

(see also lyre, lyric)