The duration of a session* [run:P→E] is maximum one (1) period (26 seconds [2600 centiseconds]) for entry [stewc (coupon dialing) = per each token counted, stewcer only has given session window to encrypt STU within handicap] before forfeiture, and exit time (ie. merchant acceptance or else valid=no) is vended ¢ents🪙 correlated (1 ¢ent🪙 = 1 centisecond [1/100th second]).** A bid as enumerated by the
of the token. A gamepiece token (cache operator) is house-issued as reimbursement, and will expire when its ¢ents🪙 are exhausted (¢ents🪙→0).

open session
, ¢ents🪙 have one period to vend
(be dispersed). Once accepted, merchants
have until the token expires⌛ before ¢ents🪙 then get recycled/returned♻ to the jukebox
Although opus-agnostic, tokens only collect a return at the close🔒 of the opus into which they were bought. So, for instance, buying into a 1¢ opus to play a 5¢ opus can still pay off, but only after the 1¢ opus closes🔒. Until then, the return from the 5¢ opus will not circulate (circulate=no). (see crypto normalization, link, ornamentation, carrot🥕, sticker)
In UUe-speak, the input (ie. fee) would be some tablature iteration (fret), and the output is (measured in) ¢ents🪙. To make a physics analogy, tokens mimic entropy by introducing a clock⏱.