lnq 👨🏿‍🦱: fruut
Showing posts with label fruut. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fruut. Show all posts

/ STU [machine code]

Inventor: 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy

LNQ :== The Origamic Symphony🎶's keynote, and the calculus* of Egglepple.** In the context of mathematical analysis, derivation and integration. Its entire sequence is called UUelcome. [EGP/fruut]
An invention {September 26, 1998} of 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy🤓, our cipher is such that kernelized handshakes are integral to loopstring➿ frequencies*.** STU is what gets encrypted on(to) algebraic curves in twistorspace. Lexically, this means that both yesegalo (flavor generation) and crypto fabrication (primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structures) remain asynchronous as long as preimage-image contracts are kept (ie. the tonic will harmonize the brane to the point of closure🔒).
UUe /// +Keeping contracts is the basis of self-synthesis.
+Originally, "STU" was called "EGP" which stemmed from "egg (EG) , epp (EP) → EGP".

Absolutely considered in the analysis are the concepts of integration (loopstring➿) and differentiation (stews). (see fruut, RONALD, Stewdio, juke notation)

/ major scale

The major scale hosts* the secondary structure (EGP encryption on primary structure) of Egglepple. Complexity: E ** In addition to residually defining the tertiary and quarternary structures. (see fibor, fibor bundle, meshroom, lnq🧑🏿, groove, melody)

Function map: minor scalemajor scale → ... groovefiborfibor bundle

/ fruut

Fruut :== a class of transformers sourced from STU, and translated into the mesh geometrical primitives: rectangle, circle, and triangle. For identification purposes, we like to say that each shape corresponds to a 'fruit'; respectively: berry (alpha helix), banana🍌 (beta sheet), and lime🍋 (gamma delta) [colloquialized as 'bag'].

The fruut are part of the Stewdio's kit (complementing the flageolet) for transcoding (the parameters of) twistor fields so as to establish both intonation+melody/groove of The Origamic Symphony🎶. (see starberry)
TOS /// +It is prerequisite that mathematics begin with primitive notions. Hence, when postulating, we start at some angle and navigate from there.
+Geometric primitives are called such because they are the building blocks for other forms and shapes.
+The melody is a secondary actor in stew choreography (ie. essential for closing🔒 a loopstring➿ generated from its walk).
+Rule of thumb: fruut is for folding, and the flageolet is a metronome for pencil generation.

In time signatorial mode, fruut are the tools used for folding stews to derive (arrive at) a fibor. (see patch)

It is assumed that the shapes are true (ie. two-dimensional) by default, and can occupy higher dimensions of uuater (world volume).

/ Stewdio (shell)

Designer: 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy
The Stewdio (stew+digital+i/o) is an informatic behaving as UUe's native driver+shell for stewcing.
/// More accurately, for choreographing stews.

A multi-user domain (MUD), its virtual methodology comes standard (fixed) with the following quadriptych: Mathilda [keyframing/phrasing = pencils✏️ (generation/metronome) + STU (sequencer/coloring) + RONALD (phrasing)], along with the home button that reveals a horizontal/vertical side panel of various metaphors.

The Stewdio (as a control console) consists of spacetime complexity controls that are used, more or less, to derive e:e statistics; it can synthesize (grooves+melodies), edit walks, run cassettes🧱, and perform other file-system management. The compositor provides jukers with an ideal environment ( gameboard🎮🎹) for gameplay (ie. improvising strategies in bounded-error quantum polynomial time). Typical Stewdio usage is for a stewcer/player to draw up a play in 🧩puzzle-solving [ie. middlegame]. (see stewc notation, touch-and-go, krayon, yoyo, joey)
/// Layered over the interface are the fugue buttons and 🧑🏿lnq's bubblegum as the default ballet🩰.

Abstractly, if a brane could be synced across the Stewdio, it then would function like zero rng.
/// The Stewdio is an invention of 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy.🤓
Function map: EggleppleballetStewdio

/ minor scale

The minor scale hosts the primary structure [0-brane+yesegalo] of Egglepple. This is the raw state of EGP decryption*; where pencils✏️ are subject(ed) to coloring, but loopstring➿ is yet to be value-assigned and/or taxed. Complexity: P** More like 'un-encrypted'. We only say "decrypted" because, technically, an encryption can in fact be decrypted/reversed. (see fibor, fibor bundle, SMALL brane)

Function map: minor scalemajor scale → ... groovefiborfibor bundle

/ gamma delta

(see also alpha helix, beta sheet, fruut. Compare biochemical turn)

/ fruut color

/ fruut flavor

/ delta valley

/ alpha helix

(see also beta sheet, gamma delta, fruut)

/ beta sheet

(see also alpha helix, gamma delta, fruut)