lnq 👨🏿‍🦱: animation
Showing posts with label animation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label animation. Show all posts

/ mutating algorithms as animators of static systems

sketch: non-dynamic algorithms in combinatorics makes sense only at the point of 0-animation (0-animation ≠ suspended animation; suspended animation = animation with 0-transform), and are of no value in ℝ animaton deployment. While acknowledging that animation does frequent static codes within certain frames, this patch will introduce the effects of mutant parsing for the potential of various applications to animation.

/ stew choreography [neuroinformatics]

The art of stew choreography :== the process of stereotyping* (brane-folding) STU using fruut to keyframe [sequence/map by hyperlinking] stews.** Print the portfolio as a sponge. This is our "proof-of-work"~ concept [ie. juking exercise for 'meshing' UUe's cryptocommodity (¢ents🪙)], and should solve twistorspaces (via encryption).~~ And/Or 'proof-of-space'.

Per gameplay, stew choreography (or dribbling [endpoint control]&) forms a ➿loopstring's middlegame (ie. walk). The Stewdio is used natively [default] for improvising.&& String command. (see juke notation, ballet, stewart, touch-and-go, 🧑🏿lnq's walk, joey)
/// +stew choreography is a type of animation (interpolation of frames).
+Such choreography is inferred by "the ballet of The Origamic Symphony🎶". The reason this ballet is necessary is to anticipate dividends. We say that stew choreography is "to γ-proof l-string".
+Any proof-of-work must be validated with a signature/handshake.
+Every single stew on a loopstring must be affected for a yield to be accurate.

Function map: random coilstew choreographyfibor

/ The Origamic Symphony🎶 [computation]

Composer: 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy
As a signal, The Origamic Symphony™℗ (Q) :== runtime normalizing (hyper/hypo = 1) lnq🧑🏿's movements. It is improvised/composed for solo joey🐨🪀.
/// This represents the totality of keys in sequence, forming the basis of our runtime system.

Resting atop the hypothesis that every brane arrangement is (geometrically) convertible, solvable, and scorable, Q♯ is responsive to the calculus of Egglepple resonances (the program of the portfolio imagined as frets pertinent to stereotyping STU).

"There is this beautiful symphony playing - everywhere, all the time."^ - 🧑🏿lnq

The symphony treats the entire portfolio as a (single loopstring➿*) path integral (line) subject to integration (including integration-by-parts [the twisting of pencils✏️]) and derivation.** A continuous function. -- All walks are integrated in twistorspace, and output some stew derivative. (see mathemusic, preimage/image, UUelcome, Q♭, joey🎻, UUhistlegrass, 🧑🏿lnq's Starting Five, Juke Lemma, crypto compliance)
/// +The Origamic Symphony is the subject of 🧑🏿lnq's recital. -- Egglepple can also be thought of as the signal relay.
+Here "origami" specifies "p-brane (membrane/frame) folding". Namely, it is the twisting of measures (length) between the Planck and nano data.

/ fold

Folding :== differential steps in the process of a brane's animation (ie. symmetry-breaking) as it assumes its final topology. Attainment of this (solution) - the closed🔒 string - should result in a 0-bubble twistor [yesegalo🍄meshroom0b(u,u)].

For the most part, "to fold" an object is to bend, compress, twist, or otherwise permute it so that it becomes self-integrated according to its calculus. By-and-large, we accomplish this using fruut as part of stew choreography.

A fold would be an intermediate state within the walk process (preimageimage). Mathemusically, a fold is conguent to some movement.

Essential to stereotyping, our interest in folds and folding*, in general, is so that we can (more easily) synthesize middlegame makeup.** An act of hyperlinking (see The Origamic Symphony🎶, Gallivan fold, manifold, hyperlink, route, tip, knot🪢)
/// An inbetween will not always qualify for being one of these states.

/ toonage

Toonage (truncation of 'cartoonage'*) :== the diction given to the chronology of (cf. attempts at) iterations to 🧩puzzle solutions (toons).** Wordplay, but should be taken here like 'fine-tuning' (cf. musical tuning). Implies stereotyping on paper.

We tune^ the jukebox (UUe) by threading kernel libraries (+patchwork) for fugue damping.^^ Training comes from redundant server-side proofs🔒 of random walks, courtesy of games/gameplay, which lead to better Q♯🎶 compatibility.

Toons themselves are individually/inductively ordered (n + 1), but because it is feasible for two (2) or more to be confluent, offered is a finitary

Naming convention
Toonage is marked using the following standard alphanumeric:

Toonxx.nn[]# - where "xx" identifies the port, nn is the pencil✏️ count, the brackets [] carry the weight, and the addendum, #, is the episode (as an integer).
/// Toons (n+1 induction) exist because the time complexity of each proof requires a relatively large compute per. In other words, there is extreme likelihood that a game/opus will not be completely solved on the first attempt.
(see EGP, meshroom🍄, opus, cassette, crypto compliance, #recital, Funshine/Toonlight)
/// Principally validating file hierarchy.

/ penciling

/ shapeframe