lnq 👨🏿‍🦱: categorytheory
Showing posts with label categorytheory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label categorytheory. Show all posts

/ brane

A brane (from 'membrane') :== some mathematical generalization of a category from zero (0) or more higher dimensions. A combination of branes is called a mesh.
My portfolio is a twenty-six dimensional (26-dim) toy [🧩puzzleware] with braneworld structure according to pitch class:
0-brane = point particle
1-brane = string
2-brane = manifold/sheet/tape
3-brane = cell
25-brane = Starbureiy automaton
(see Egglepple, lnq🧑🏿, patch, walk, mathemusic)

/ identity (equality)

Pertinent to dyadic forms, an identity between objects (asymmetric* endofunctors) :== or occurs when an opus' measurable and permutable extrema commute (ie. idempotent yield deviation ≡ 0).** Asymmetry here simply means that the cryptokey is subject to attack variants, but the image itself is a one-way function. The normal way to see this is by decryptionencryption equating fibors with spectral line frequencies. In terms of juking, such a dyadic form exists where the walk of a minor scale and major scale are identical. (See font, coverage, patch, u-u, γ-proof, 🍄meshroom, MONEY, toy, zero-bubble. Compare structural formula)
/// +Discovering identities is the 'name of the game' (or the 'hussle of the puzzle🧩', as I like to say). Identities are what best help organize strategies for fleet learning.
+Probably the most prolific and profitable class of identities is going to be peptides, drugs, and their design We probably won't know which molecules and fonts match up with each other until an ai is run on both sets of classes to determine similarities in shape + size.

/ ballet 🩰

As our "dance* of the ball", ballet🩰 :== an improvisational program [opus] that synthesizes walk categories from random coil.~** In the Egglepple scenario, the 'dance' is stew choreography, and the band of dancers is yots. ~~ What I refer to as 'walking the string'.

Each ballet🩰 is a frame arrangement [lyrically, the bundling of two (2) or more fibors (either by encryption or decryption) into gameplay]. (see Starbureiy ballet, link, groove (scheme), opera, #opéra-ballet, #libretto)
/// We may consider ballet🩰 to be the transition from opening to endgame. I prefer to think of a ballet🩰 as an opera's lemma.
Function map: ballet🩰opera

/ tip

A thread-inflection point (tip) is an inflection point (ie. maxima/minima) on a graph. (see also ear, double-u economics, UUallet)
/// The exercise of tipping usually comes in the form of pay-per-post.

/ patch

In terms of security🔐, a patch :== an arbitrary morphism between separate categories that induces a categorical limit on their vulnerability. Put another way, a patch [non-residue] initiates some recompute (resulting in a change of topology at an inflection point) of a walk.

As combinatorial generators, patches create (a supply of) theoretical graphs which help calibrate stew choreography when mapping relational categories; hence, patches are (decorative) bundling objects (compare ribosome).

Included in the patchwork pipe (a-z) is the prepatch ('prep'), which is a pre-release of an official/actual compile. These usually will highlight new objects that need to be tested before committing to a stable (release). (see bug, toonage, bubblegum, coverage, improvise, γ-proof, cassette, signature, sticker)

/ functor