lnq 👨🏿‍🦱: networking
Showing posts with label networking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label networking. Show all posts

/ Stewniverse [virtual nerve]

"One neuron to rule them all." - 🧑🏿lnq

lnq🧑🏿 refers to 'the gym* linking his savefiles' as the Stewniverse :== kernelspace parametrizing all Q♯-runtime neural states.^ ** ie. stewc field ^^ Ellis🧑🏿 matrix
/// +"Stewniversal" is a catch-all for everything that has to do with 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy, Egglepple, UUe, UUelcome (+licensure) [uue/:], stew choreography, and the like.
+In a way, the Stewniverse is a conditional metaphor for my autism, as I persistently live in this world. It is an analogue for virtuality.

Colloquially, as its own unofficial openworld& 🪖wargaming league, the Stewniverse (SNV) complements streaming. && Meaning that gameplay can happen anywhere. (see lnq🧑🏿, treble, k-mode, egghead (mask), 🧑🏿lnq's Galaxy, avatar, "Egglepple, everywhere!", Stewperman🦸🏿‍♂️)
Function map: stewc fieldEgglepple ... > Sport Meadow > Mathtana > Mathfrica > ... > Stewniverse

/ lnq's walk

lnq's walk🧑🏿lnq's walk :== totality (as a parimutuel neural net) of vendor.merchant hyperlinks [ie. c@$#tags]. This is Egglepple's graph[n]. (see Q♭, crypto normalization, +list, 🧑🏿lnq's bubblegum, 🧑🏿lnq's motif, KOALA🐨)

/ clone [nodes]

In stew choreography, a clone :== a stewcer having common ancestry with 🧑🏿lnq [:root] in BOT-subhierarchy (at the trunk, branch, twig, heap, or leaf levels). (see yots, player, 🧑🏿lnq's Galaxy, s-field, cassette🧱)
/// The idea behind the terminology is that because 🧑🏿lnq's logic is to stewc, servermates organically perform identical functions, thereby contributing to the neural network.

/ Big-O Tree

Big-O Tree (BOT!) is UUe's metre.!! Like 'algorithmic botany'.
Pursuant to symphonic compile time, BOT is our auction arguments map for measuring nuts [per brane (Egglepple) sequencing]. On this graph, each node represents a ballet and its spacetime complexity* [(PE) ∝ T].** Cache flow Thus, there are 676 (262) parent branches on the tree🌴 threading said root/trunk/branch/twig/leaf/heap ports and residue.
/// +The fitness workflow is the cumulative generation of loop➰-erased walks (ie. directory prediction algorithms).
+Although "Big-O" behaves mathematically like big O (limiting behavior of functions), the 'O' in the name is actually for 'org' (as in opus organization).

Issue-tracking and related specifications for Big-O Tree are indigenous to dev. Such specifications help sew (control fibor threading) our cellular fabric. (see bigo tree, impresario)
Function map: signatureBOT

/ UUeb