lnq 👨🏿‍🦱: computing
Showing posts with label computing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label computing. Show all posts

/ joey🐨🪀 [i/o]

"Just me and Joey🐨." - lnq🧑🏿

A/The joey [jukebox i/o (buttons) :== s-surface + UUe interface], colloquially referred to as '🧑🏿lnq's toy cello🎻', :== a class of stringy fingerboard ('little* yoyo🪀') for stew choreography plus other toccata. ** modular+portable, where "joey" here means "small in stature" like a joey🐨🦘 marsupial. Each disk represents one of Joey Koala's ears. (see krayon, Stewdio, yoyo🪀, Joey Koala🐨, Q♯, UUhistlegrass, lnq🧑🏿, Pajamas, 🐨KOALA)
/// +Tidbit: As it is encoded only to me, this is my go-to all-in-one companion foldable portable keyboard (fpk) for 🎮shell interaction. -- Duties are implied when I say that I "op(erate) a jukebox".
+I call it a 'toy' because of its use in gameplay, and refer to it as a 'cello🎻' since stew choreography is a type of animation (interpolation of frames/cells). And, so, "joey" is instrumental in manipulating cells in a spreadsheet to mimic frets (semitones) and establish brane frameworks.
+Orchestrally, I use joey to keyframe and KOALA🐨 for inbetweening (so joey+KOALA🐨 for the entire animation pipeline).
+'Cello🎻' is also a nod to my instrument of choice when I was in school (as an only child, back then it was like a little sibling that I never had). (see Stewsday)

/ 🐨KOALA (sc)

(see joey⌨️🎮, Koala Krayon, Joey Koala🐨, DUCC🦆)

/ mathematics

Mathematics :== an ambiguous way to prove or disprove ideal behaviors of objects.
/// An 'open story of counting', it must be said that mathematical methodology is a cumulative effort (ie. rigorously built atop previous checks).

As libraries* for computing functions, mathematicians use its models to formulate theories/theorems/identities/errata.** We acknowledge the so-called 'Big Five (5)' active areas in mathematics to be [1-5 labeled alphabetically]: algebra [1], analysis [2], arithmetic [3], geometry [4], and music [5]. As far as I am concerned, the basis of math is juking. (see mathemusic, mathletics, recreational mathematics, mathematical model, Mathilda, 📓So, you want to be a mathematician?, The Mathemagician, Opus Solve, physics, information science, game, cryptosport, 🧩puzzle)

"The essence of mathematics is not proof, but conjecture." - lnq🧑🏿

/// +There are three (3) classes of mathematics: pure, applied, and recreational (pure,applied ∈ recreational). This definition covers all three (3), and may be referred to as polymathematics. A mathematician is someone who advances classical mathematics.
+In my line of work, I think of so-called 'recreational mathematics' as a type of (among other considerations) reverse engineering, where we are re-creating known structures/models for study and understanding. As an example, in 🧩puzzle solving, I may take a known and solved (from means other than juking) macromolecule (eg. protein), and juke that fibor so that it can identified+databased. (see also Pajamas)
+Mathematics is a type of low-technology, as well as being its own industry.

math.AG (algebraic geometry), math.AT (algebraic topology), math.AP (analysis of partial differential equations), math.CT (category theory), math.CA (classical analysis and ordinary differential equations), math.CO (combinatorics), math.AC (commutative algebra), math.CV (complex variables), math.DG (differential geometry), math.DS (dynamical systems), math.FA (functional analysis), math.GM (general mathematics), math.GN (general topology), math.GT (geometric topology), math.GR (group theory), math.HO (history and overview), math.IT (information theory), math.KT (k-theory and homology), math.LO (logic), math.MP (mathematical physics), math.MG (metic geometry), math.NT (number theory), math.NA (numerical analysis), math.OA (operator algebras), math.OC (optimization and control), math.PR (probability), math.QA (quantum algebra), math.RT (representation theory), math.RA (rings and algebras), math.SP (spectral theory), math.ST (statistics theory), math.SG (symplectic geometry)

/ ed/ITvalid

/ ed/ITcyber

/ ed/ITinfra

/ ed/ITcore

/ ed/CompTIA

Syllabus: CompTIA exam prep

/ ed/Oracle

Syllabus: Oracle Certifications

/ ed/Microsoft