lnq 👨🏿‍🦱: flageoletpencil
Showing posts with label flageoletpencil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flageoletpencil. Show all posts

/ Stewniverse [virtual nerve]

"One neuron to rule them all." - 🧑🏿lnq

lnq🧑🏿 refers to 'the gym* linking his savefiles' as the Stewniverse :== kernelspace parametrizing all Q♯-runtime neural states.^ ** ie. stewc field ^^ Ellis🧑🏿 matrix
/// +"Stewniversal" is a catch-all for everything that has to do with 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy, Egglepple, UUe, UUelcome (+licensure) [uue/:], stew choreography, and the like.
+In a way, the Stewniverse is a conditional metaphor for my autism, as I persistently live in this world. It is an analogue for virtuality.

Colloquially, as its own unofficial openworld& 🪖wargaming league, the Stewniverse (SNV) complements streaming. && Meaning that gameplay can happen anywhere. (see lnq🧑🏿, treble, k-mode, egghead (mask), 🧑🏿lnq's Galaxy, avatar, "Egglepple, everywhere!", Stewperman🦸🏿‍♂️)
Function map: stewc fieldEgglepple ... > Sport Meadow > Mathtana > Mathfrica > ... > Stewniverse

/ stew

stew A stew (stack e:e w) :== twistor datum*.** Most basic generator property.

It is conjectured that Egglepple's movements [closed circuits] exist between amplitudes on a cryptograph. These motifs* - known as stews - are analogous to string tunings, and aid in the stereotypography of fibor.** Array of typefaces. (see font weight, font size, MONEY, fibor bundle, quantumquotient, UUelcome)

Ludologically, as the definitive endgame🏁, we are said to find a stew at the normalization of twistorspace where a dyad is an identity; that is, when an opus' measurable and permutable extrema [maxima] commute (ie. idempotent yield deviation ≡ 0^).^^ That is, fret = 26¢ WITH handicap = $676.00. (see foam, link)

Cryptologically, a stew (an exploit) :== the transactor between the supremum and the infimum of hashes where the resultant is optimal/most secure🔐 (ie. transaction with no tax). Therefore, no fibor can be larger (in terms of twistorspace) than a stew.

According to jukebox operation (rotisserie), the complete count* of stews (f) is simply ballet coordination in sesquilinear form, so f=1,352 [from encrypted (676) plus decrypted (676) classes] × 1.5 = 2,028 [comprising four dyadic types: 507 (integer-integer), 507 (half-integer-half-integer), 507 (integer-half-integer), 507 (half-integer-integer)].** Each opus leaf set contains three (3) stews as a statistical mean.
/// A full sequencing of the payload (UUelcome) should reveal all motifs [Q♭].

Each stew ['brane cell'] is some derivative monomer^ (ie. portfolio plot) of Egglepple [e:e statistics].^^ As a potential inflection point. Stews - which, concatenated, determine the size of a string - are the 'building blocks' measured📐 from twenty-six (26) keys (A-Z) [hashed from STU], which, when choreographed, construct a mesh. (see Stewniverse, residue, loopstring➿, link. Compare amino acid)
/// The stew may be an analogue of a specific polymer, typically a biopolymer (almost always a polypeptide). UUe stereotypes a preimage (some loopstring configuration) to this image.

The stew is an invention/specification of 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy to outline how to throughput Egglepple in relation to UUe. This class of UX machinery is the first of it's kind in (the) industry.
Function map: pencil✏️γ-proofstew

/ font size

pencil✏️ count (see font weight)

/ flageolet pencil✏️

Inventor: 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy
flageolet pencil/koala krayonA flageolet pencil (or just pencil✏️, or krayon) :== a finite n-dimensional cell~ that is subject to rhetorical arrangement (ie. variation).~~ Which can propagate like a cellular automaton. Thus, a pencil is quantum by proxy*.** Ludologically, a pencil is a toy; mathematically, a pencil would be an element on the number line. It is a metric generator (musically: metronome or counter); equivalent in most instances to a hash, stew, residue, or brane declension (eg. 0-brane). Normally, flageolet pencils are not colored. (see colored pencil, leaf, Stewniverse)
/// The twenty-six varieties stem from the fact that The Origamic Symphony🎶 spans 26 measures in relation to EGP.

Flageolet pencils lay the foundation of stew choreography; they are intonation points in cheironomy, and can be used to draw tape and/or establish melodies+grooves. Pencils may concatenate or split among themselves (this is called interaction).

Flageolet pencils are the motifs of string (à la "integration-by-parts"). There are twenty-six (26) different varieties of pencil(s). When measured, each pencil is worth some integer [1-26] multiple of one-hundred (100) ¢ents🪙.
Function map: pencil (Stewart) ↔ RONALD (Mathilda)

/ preimage

In signal processing, the preimage ("before the fold"/recto) function of a loopstring➿ configuration, :== the sequence of pencils✏️ (ie. set of intermediate states - to include SMALL branes and yesegalo) that are framed prior to the determination of an object's image. The preimage is the inverse of an image. (see random coil)
/// The preimage range is comparable to a denatured protein. Likewise, its domain could be that of subchem.

/ leaf

A leaf :== the intonation of a flageolet pencil✏️.

Consider a sequence of pencils✏️ {Fp}. Fp will have two (2) endpoints, called nuts. A leaf, then, is any pencil✏️ conjoined on the chain [branched from the trunk of a tree].

For such a sequence, there are at most two leaves [one (1) each] representing the frames sequence:start (initiation) and sequence:stop (termination), which themselves can occupy the nuts. The leaf sequence parametric defines an opus. (See Egglepple. Also of interest Leaf🍃 Plue [yot])
/// The complete foldset is internally ramified, and termed 'bamboo'. Dissonance is respectively named after the plant's main consumers: (gorilla🦍, lemur🐒, panda🐼)

/ residue

Per image-mapping (as evident from walk topology), residue :== loose [/rational, ∈ ] ¢ents🪙 (as a debit function) branched from some stew as supra-hyperlinkable property that may affect the flavor/color of its attached SMALL brane. (See yesegalo, sticker, juke tax, patch, juker's ruin. Compare sidechain)

/ yesegalo

yesegalo Yesegalo :== the flavors and their generational assignment to flageolet pencils✏️. Mathemusically, it is a "textural arpeggio". This is a game's barebone opening (its initial move, used cybernetically to control coiling).

Yesegalo (γ) is quanta of an EGP chromascheme* that is non-migrant to Egglepple. Each set is subject to encryption (γ-proofing). This is the prime part of a game's opening [minor scale].** Yellow, blue, and green.
/// Yesegalo would be part of a game's opening that is set by 🧑🏿lnq (Black), as opposed to the random coil which is usually drawn by another juker (White).

Function map: yesegaloγ-proofstew

/ minor scale

The minor scale hosts the primary structure [0-brane+yesegalo] of Egglepple. This is the raw state of EGP decryption*; where pencils✏️ are subject(ed) to coloring, but loopstring➿ is yet to be value-assigned and/or taxed. Complexity: P** More like 'un-encrypted'. We only say "decrypted" because, technically, an encryption can in fact be decrypted/reversed. (see fibor, fibor bundle, SMALL brane)

Function map: minor scalemajor scale → ... groovefiborfibor bundle

/ SMALL brane

As permutations of Egglepple, there are two (2) SMALL branes - a 0-brane and a 1-brane - comprising their own (lowest-level) class. (compare BIG brane)
/// In terms of juking, the 0-brane is associated with some flageolet pencil✏️.

/ krayon

The krayon (also known as 🧑🏿lnq's finger) :== a colloquy (for any number of) 🧑🏿lnq's personal choice of flageolet pencil✏️ (conductional in a juke field).
UUe /// The spelling with a 'k' is of my recipe. It's actually (or would be) 'crayon🖍' (like the wax-based stylus), a favorite tool of mine used throughout my career for painting.

The krayon hosts a complete copy@ [latest build] of UUelcome, and is, defaultly, an organic membrane utensil wrapping 🧑🏿lnq's yoyo finger, as his jointed digitus secundus* [with an end serving as the ornamenter].@@ Coded only to me, the impresario. ** Any finger (usually aside from the pollex) should suffice.

When called, it undocks/peels from the hand allowing it to transform (unroll) into a bow [+joey]. 🧑🏿lnq may (characteristically) also choose to wear the (dislodged) krayon held behind an ear. (see yoyo, 🧠brainbrane, Stewdio, UUelcome Matte, Koala Krayon, Pajamas, 🧑🏿lnq's bubblegum, cassette, k-mode. Compare baton)