lnq 👨🏿‍🦱: sport
Showing posts with label sport. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sport. Show all posts

/ stewcing [neuroplasticity]

Ludologically, (the sport of) stewcing (formally stew choreography) :== the demonstration, control, and/or improvising of a particular stewc [ie. the hash exercise of securing🔒 twistorspace by probing its acoustic bounds (with error detection/correction)].

The appliance for doing such is a jukebox. Someone who does so is called a stewcer. Pertaining to UUe, stewcing - a form of cryptography - is of bugger (ctf🏁-style) 'cryptosport'* logic.** see mathletics Complexity-wise, token duration is between P and E, with proofing orchestrated in curvilinear space (T).
UUe /// I like to say that stewcing is brute force mathematics as 'an exercise in optimization from auction theory'.

To stewc is to summon a redeemable option (the coupon) on a continuous event that is predetermined [to at least one (1) party]. In this case, stewcs are proxies for the statistical variance of the tablature complexity, and serve to hedge some handicap. Stewcs themselves generate cachecredit (provided from seigniorage on coupons); being synonymous with 🪙coin insertion [deposit] for traditional jukebox activation and dispensing.
Juking was invented by 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy.🤓👌🏿

According to string ludology, stewcing is reflexive to u-u economics; making the optimization of the electrolyte🔋 the foundation of our pursuit. The overall intent behind stewcing is to image Egglepple (ie. juking is the preferred method for sequencing STU).
/// +Because stewcing is injective, the stewcer absolutely keeps what is earned (minus any fees).
+Fibor classification requires twistorspace manipulation, which is the basis of stew choreography.

The process of stereotyping is done by encrypting/encoding STU onto a brane (stewc = pencil✏️glyph). This is accomplished using stew choreography. stewcing is considered to be economically fair (ie. games are randomized and thus no one has an advantage), that is, risk:payoff ≪ payoff:risk. (see Pink Poem, mathemusic, touch-and-go, j-surface)
/// Sans pure 'penny' frets, the value of a stewc is always rounded up to the next integer (unless the stewc itself is an integer). Example: a tablature divisor of 0.054... becomes a 6 ¢ent fret. This seigniorage ensures the house always stays afloat.

/ stewcer [client-server]

A stewcer^ (from 'stewc server' [server]*) acts as the coordinator in folding loopstring➿ (among other types of braneware).** A runtime node. ^^ aka stew choreographer.

Essentially, a stewcer is a resource ("trainer") which uses a jukebox [client] for iterative transactions (ie. inbetweens).++Its role (jukeboxing) is to assist in proofing QQ. Generally-speaking, the stewcer is a clone or surjective clientele whose privilege supersedes that of player but not the impresario within stewcing ludology. Note, however, that the impresario itself may also be a stewcer (as would be the case in tournament mode).
/// Stewcers - as contractors - are considered the 'orchestra' to The Origamic Symphony🎶.

In UUe-talk, the stewcer (a type of puzzler🧩)'s objective is to devise and/or apply patches, thereby directly contributing to the fitness of the kernelspace. This means that a juker's role lies in the generation of walks (pitch establishment) as it pertains to sourcing their own tokens. Jukers are rewarded according to rules set forth by the UUelcome License. (see Black and White, clone, KOALA🐨, 🥚Egghead, stewcer's ruin)

/ stewc

A stewc - a mathemusical measure - :== an iterated perturbation* (sesquilinear transform) to some group of stews.** ie. ultrametric calculus To stewc is to proof some twistorspace with (an) STU encryption [more accurately, to encode STU onto a brane (tape)].

Stewcing will summon a redeemable option (the coupon) on a continuous event that is predetermined. In this case, stewcs are proxies for the statistical variance of tablature complexity, and serve to hedge some handicap. Stewcs themselves generate UUe's cryptohash (provided from seigniorage on coupons); being synonymous with coin insertion [deposit] for traditional jukebox activation and dispensing.
UUe /// It may be the case that the leaves SSS and UUU can/should be replaced by SST and UUT, respectively. This is because SSS and UUU actually are loop➰ markers (marking initiation and termination) in a sequence. Adjacent leaves cannot be coupled due to the fact that a chord (three leaves or more) is required for folding.

Within the context of stew choreography, a stewc is a play that is symmetry-breaking (to some walk) but not an endgame move, which means that it does not include: (1) the coupling of adjacent leaves, or (2) the leaves SSS and UUU [(namely (SSS,UUU) / (UUU,SSS)] in coordination. Failing to adhere to this rule would result in dissonance.

Out of the total twenty-six (26), only twenty-four (24) of them allow legal stewcs. This stems from the fact that a composition cannot lack harmony, which is to say that a loop (connected endpoints), nor adjacencies (any side-by-side coordinates) are permissible. (see Stewc Lemma, stewc tax, stewc notation, stewc button, jukepot, stewc field)
/// The sequence of leaves in a stewc is immune to start/stop identification. Meaning that it is not illegal to have an opus be of identical lettering (eg. "Opus LL").

/ yoyo🪀

🧑🏿lnq's yoyo :== a spool of fibor acting as the stream of UUelcome. It is used for dribbling [a ball traversing a 1-brane]*.** A type of juggle in juke field, where the yoyo appears as just plain/regular string (sans discs) readied for input [print staging] from the Stewdio.

In gameplay, the yoyo+krayon^ comprise the primary mathemusical instrumentation in ballet🩰 performance [juking].^^ The yoyo and krayon (combination = joey [discs represent Joey Koala's ears]) work in k-mode. (see joey, UUhistlegrass, Pajamas)
/// For posterity, the yoyo (particularly the pullstring🧶🧵) is/was what eventually piqued my interest in string(theory + ludology).

/ sport

A sport :== a metrizable game inducing statistics [spread/walk quotient].

Sport is central to fitness since we are devising strategies for improvisation; generating plays efficiently (ie. fast+small=low power consumption*) in order to reduce token session duration.** Condensed memory footprints (implemented loops) are feedback-friendly. (see 3-rex, mathletics, Stewniverse, UUelcome, port, cryptosport, cybernetics, ludology)
/// +Sporting happens organically; ie. events are self-organizing (via competition) → promotion or relegation.
+Economically, a sport is valuable because it can garner two things very quickly: (1) an immediate work force (bots can be substituted), and (2) big data. From there (external to juking or at least supplemental to it), predictive analytics can be applied in wagering (offered as bets or bids -- to help with ¢ent🪙 circulation).


- baseball⚾ - basketball🏀 - chess - cricket🏏 - dodgeball - football🏈 - frisbee - golf⛳ - hockey🏒🏑 - lacrosse - rugby🏉 - soccer⚽ - tennis🎾 - volleyball🏐

/ mathletics

Mathletics (etymology: math+athletics) :== any scenario where the actual act of doing mathematics is turned into a legitimate sport.

In our case (cf. juking/stew choreography), mathletics* is the mapping of fitness metrics - namely walks - to their respective fibors [mathletics = preimageimage] (ie. a technical understanding of the mechanics to a specific play run), thus making ludology a normal component of recreation.** Contextual juking.

Mathletics may also be defined more primitively; for we can say that the ability to gamify any 🧩puzzle-solution (specifically one of capture the flag🏁 objectivity with a 🥕bounty program [🏁→🥕]) is a demonstration (ie. competitive flexing) of being subjectively 'mathletic'. (see recreational mathematics, cryptosport, juker)

Furthermore, (in gameplay) the mathlete is someone who uses EGP to decrypt/encrypt walks from entropic events. More succinctly, the mathlete is a sport performer (or coach) with priority to act out some particular ballet. In terms of so-called "mathleticism", its definition is of a person's (here, the "mathlete") potential to obtain a high score (translation: earn ¢ents) in competitive mathletics. (see mathletic scholarship, mathemusic, tournament, treble)
/// Mathletics is classified under recreational mathematics.

"The existential test of a mathlete is their ability to maximize their earning potential." - 🧑🏿lnq

From an historical standpoint, I called it 'mathletics' because, after reading the book "Hyperspace" by Michio Kaku, particularly the part where the author enticed readers to find a solution to string field theory, I ended up later creating the EGP Keynote (based off of what I perceived to be a hinted challenge from Kaku). Had I been in academia, this may have been a community effort, but since I worked (as a tendency) in isolation (solo) at the time, I chose to treat it like a sport. Hence the origins of my recreational approach to mathematics.🤓

/ playoff

A playoff is an open (ie. competitive game or series of games of skill between pro-am teams* involving improvisation) in which coupon partitioning is parlayed with a purse [high-score wins🏆].** A team can be an individual (solo) representation. (see jukepot, juker's ruin, 💱swap, Black-and-White, carrots🥕 and peach🍑, treble, token, sport, Stewiverse)
/// Purse-wise, house fees (ruin) are kept at a minimum in tournament mode. The ruin [remainder] is deducted from tiered winnings (depending on number of entrants -- first place🥇: 50 - 100% (one entrant gets whole thing, 1+ gets half -- aka 'break even'), so house takes deductible of balance 0 - 50%) [ceiling] plus processor [floor] (= fees tallied from tokens, compliance (ie. tax), or some combination of both). The eventuality is that the winner's share will gradually increase to one-hundred percent (100%) minus the processor, as more players participate in a game that approaches its complexity.

/ UUe Tennis🎾🏓🏸

/ UUe Hockey🏒🏑

/ UUe Soccer⚽🥅

/ UUe Baseball⚾

/ UUe Football🏈

/ UUe Basketball⛹🏿‍♀️🏀⛹🏿

UUe Cue🎱

/ Sport Meadow

Boundary-less census in Montana occupying land from approximately Big Sky-to-Missoula. Coined by Link Starbureiy.

/ sporting fee

/ 3-rex

Three-rex (colloquially spelled "3-rex", as a play on the word for the dinosaur, 't.rex' (Tyrannosaurus rex), is a term loosely grouping the fields of sport, music, and commerce*.** Thread monetization The union of which implies an economic engine of sorts for juking. (see treble, smb)
UUe /// Sport is essentially random walk programming. So, the triad is plainly math, music, and money (MMM).

/ cryptosport

A cryptosport or c-sport/cSport is a distinctly skill-based sport (traditionally of the mental gaming-type as opposed to physical activity) with some sort of statistical security🔐 [statsec] objective (eg. bugger, capture the flag🏁). For instance, such an objective may be to exploit a cipher. (see 🧩puzzle, mathletics, bug bounty)

/ goal

In gameplay, the goal :== a closed🔒 string as a 🧩puzzle's proof (solution). It is scored (📐measured in links) as an opus excluding ¢ent🪙 count. (see assist, smb, zero-bubble, carrot🥕)
/// Put simpler, a goal is an 🔓unlocked achievement within some game.

/ UUe Chess♟
