lnq ๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿฟ‍๐Ÿฆฑ: egg
Showing posts with label egg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label egg. Show all posts

/ double-u

Double-u (written "u-u", "u,u", or "w") :== the sobriquet of "united under", as from 'united under Egglepple'. We use "double-u" when referencing fibor comprising so-called u-u economics (hyper/hypo). (see twistor, compare base pair)
The (u-u) [twistor] is connoted from the portfolio notion of recto/verso (reading frames). Each leaf/nut (u) assumes either a half-integer or integer value quantumly entangled as functions in twistorspace, where spacetime complexity is symmetrical and dyadic (s,t).

We may, as we see fit, take that twistorspace bundles both loopy➰ quanta and their stringy counterparts into so-called loopstring➿.

/ e:e statistics

(see play, Egglepple, hypocurrency, quantumquotient, link)

/ egg

As c=2(b-1)/2 {bโ„ค→26, /max=25 (0-25) || b = brane count [which is of the sesquilinear form (e-,e+)]}, an egg is the coverage's resultant as an integer spin statistic (positive parity[+]).

start leaf (see epp, Egglepple, play)
/// +The formula is in direct correlation to spin-statistics. So, for example, when b is odd, say b=7, then c(=8) is an integer-spin (egg). When b is even, say b=4, then c(=2.82842712+) is a half-integer-spin (epp). The rational portion (floating point) of half-integer statistics contributes to seigniorage. Obviously, any negative value for b will yield an epp. (see juke tax)
+Yes, there are twenty-six (26) integer values here; we denote "0" as (0-,0+) → having both negative(-) and positive(+) polarity in twistorspace. For instance, -12 ... (0-,0+) ... +12 = [26]. The total number of coverages, c, is an upperbound for points on a curve, and so its number line must include 0 (hence 0 through 25). However, because any b=0 gives nonsensical values [error codes], the zeroes are discounted, and lower and upper bounds are just eleven (11). The minima (cover-0 = -11) is 0.015625 and the maxima (cover-25 = +11) is 32.

/ 2-egg