lnq 👨🏿‍🦱: batch
Showing posts with label batch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label batch. Show all posts

/ cassette [savefile]

Broadly, a cassette :== a mobile encode element (module) invoking loading. More specifically, a cassette refers to a discrete batch* (of libraries) that, when ported, becomes streamable.** Ordered via toonage.

These clients function as persistent data structures; nodally they run prints for site recombination / differentiation between cells. (Compare gene cassette. See mixtape, UUhistlegrass)
/// Each build is an updated and readied implementation of lnq🧑🏿 (Q♯🎶 score + drivers). It is anticipated that the abi should cumulatively grow in size.
+I refer to distros of cassettes (in circulation) as 'toys'.

Function map: cassetteUUelcome

/ hash opera

Hash opera :== a type of opera whose program (score/libretto) is hashed (#) inductively [ie. stream* = batch of threads].** Continuity is assumed at inflection points.

Hashing ensures recycling of impressions generated by frame arrangement (ie. pay for itself). (For example Easter, see soap opera, opera ludo)
/// +'Hash opera' was both coined and invented by 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy🤓, as an organic movement of his recital.
+Hash operas tend to be unusually long due to the fact that streaming rewards quantity (duration).