lnq 👨🏿‍🦱: lab
Showing posts with label lab. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lab. Show all posts

/ UUe Tennis🎾🏓🏸

/ UUe Hockey🏒🏑

/ UUe Soccer⚽🥅

/ UUe Baseball⚾

/ UUe Football🏈

/ UUe Basketball⛹🏿‍♀️🏀⛹🏿

UUe Cue🎱

/ developus

A development opus, or developus (or dev), :== a composition [opera] that is geared towards cell imitation so as for it to be totally compatible with Q♯🎶 by furthering extensibility of jukebox dependencies (responsive to orchestration). These are typically introduced to advance or re-purpose some macrocontract. (see oeuvre, #opera)
UUe /// The term 'developus' was coined by 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy.🤓 Plural: developii
Function map: opus (ballet) ⊆ opera ⊆ ... recital

/ train

Training involves ... for purposes of lowering one's st@t. (see also touch-and-go, gymnasium)

/ UUe Chess♟


/ laboratory

UUe Slalom🎿

/ UUe Lacrosse

/ UUe Golf⛳🏌🏿

UUe Cycling

UUe Up

/ UUe Disc (Frisbee)🥏

UUe Handball

/ UUe Dodgeball

/ UUe Rugby🏉