lnq 👨🏿‍🦱: cellularautomation
Showing posts with label cellularautomation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cellularautomation. Show all posts

/ link

link :== coupler of two or more objects. Topologically, a link is a non-intersecting collection of knots🪢. A link is also a single element comprising a chain. -- Additionally, it refers to a discrete brane 'hyperlinked' to other branes in some cellular automata scheme.
/// Likewise, we can describe a knot as a link with one (1) component.


Metrically, a link* (symbol: L) :== the standardized cent🪙-to-calorie conversion -- our derived cryptocurrent unit^ in stewcing expressed as bytes. ** Named after 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy. ^^ Links can be conjoined🔗 (get it?) to yield an energy🔋 signature.

As 💱spreadable@ crypto🧩, a link (Q♭) :== minima fibor as a control [fret = 0.000384615385¢~ (≈ $1.00 cap)] in trades. @@ ie. strategies get extrapolated to other fibors. ~~ ie. 1/26 of initial penny fret to get $1.00. This is our Q♯🎶 entrée [part of the standard opening for encryption], which acts as the default (however interchangeable) ballet on UUe's rotisserie. (see +list, QQ, 🧑🏿lnq, stew, juke tax, residue, token, MONEY, penny fret, toy, font, c@$#tag, 🧑🏿lnq's bubblegum)

/ flageolet pencil✏️

Inventor: 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy
flageolet pencil/koala krayonA flageolet pencil (or just pencil✏️, or krayon) :== a finite n-dimensional cell~ that is subject to rhetorical arrangement (ie. variation).~~ Which can propagate like a cellular automaton. Thus, a pencil is quantum by proxy*.** Ludologically, a pencil is a toy; mathematically, a pencil would be an element on the number line. It is a metric generator (musically: metronome or counter); equivalent in most instances to a hash, stew, residue, or brane declension (eg. 0-brane). Normally, flageolet pencils are not colored. (see colored pencil, leaf, Stewniverse)
/// The twenty-six varieties stem from the fact that The Origamic Symphony🎶 spans 26 measures in relation to EGP.

Flageolet pencils lay the foundation of stew choreography; they are intonation points in cheironomy, and can be used to draw tape and/or establish melodies+grooves. Pencils may concatenate or split among themselves (this is called interaction).

Flageolet pencils are the motifs of string (à la "integration-by-parts"). There are twenty-six (26) different varieties of pencil(s). When measured, each pencil is worth some integer [1-26] multiple of one-hundred (100) ¢ents🪙.
Function map: pencil (Stewart) ↔ RONALD (Mathilda)

/ lnq's Pajamas

"What I wear wears me." - lnq🧑🏿

🧑🏿lnq's Pajamas (mosttimes simply Pajamas or pajamas) - his everyday wear& - is outfitted^ (sewn) as a perdurable supradermis.&& Receptor/resonance jacket (ie. a scenario where the supradermis is cybernetic). ^^ branded faux (para)military costume
/// +The pajamas are an online manifestation of kernel operations.
+A gobo is a quantum of smart light (ie. a photon batch adhering to some algorithm).
+All costumes - particularly those of the toys - are manufactured according to thoughts. The process of transforming involves re-allocating pre-specified fibors to some place on and around the body to be printed. The spooler is programmed to output shape and behavioral conformations for each desired outfit.


This isn't just a coincidence; I assumed pajamas attire from moping around all day at home where my only job/focus was the development of the jukebox. Since I didn't have to be anywhere (else) during the day, I simply stayed put in my pajamas as I continued getting work done. This trend became a habit. ... Just to throw this in there, I've always found working norturnally to be the most relaxing period to do so, likely because the hustle-and-bustle of the day (noise and all) was gone, leaving me with little distraction(s).

+ The pajamas are threaded from fibor and come standard with a solid white-colored jersey (upperbody - typically basic waffle-weaved thermals overlayed by a utility vest), solid gray pants (lowerbody - elasticuffed cargo joggers), colorful assorted footwear, and an egghead.*** As could be the case, the pajamas may be some kind of basic body-fitting onesy undergarment. Accessories [more like organic extensions of the livery] include a crayon and (some countable number of) yoyo.
/// Extendable, combinations of the outfit's presentation (eg. color scheme, garments, etc.) can be used interchangeably and differ depending on 🧑🏿lnq's preference (for Funshine or Toonlight), activity, and personal taste. For instance, the jersey also doubles as my hammock.

- With his krayon, 🧑🏿lnq can ‘paint*’ anywhere into/onto juke field.** Holographically project the UUelcome Matte's full stack.

- Blown bubbles allow for transvection (whence 🧑🏿lnq is situated within one), letting him float~ around his immediate surrounding geometry [can behave as a (surface-dependent) flotation vehicle].~~ Spooled fibor is attracted to the youngest (most fresh) bubble, unless directed otherwise.
Function map: quantumquotientUUelcomePajamas

/ meshroom🍄

Mycol FunguyTo meshroom🍄 (v.) is to graph The Origamic Symphony🎶 within juke field [Q♯↦j].

It dictates that, because Egglepple is (ludologically) a p-brane* connecting the vector scale extrema, the notion of cell space algebras being conflated epimorphically within a curvilinear framework is important for defining variation (groovemelody).** In this case, 'p' stands for (my) 'portfolio'.😇

Meshrooming🍄 advances genetic algorithms [: fold measured (partite) monomers in order to deduce a mesh] for twistors by considering (visualizing) them as embedded datapoints on a neural network [nn] (ie. flavorsequencemesh). (also of interest: loopstring➿, Pink Poem, identity)
TOS /// Compositing is hypothesized to be accomplished under a single preimage.
Function map: j → pm [...eventual self-synthesis]

/ cellular automaton

(see automaton, Starbureiy automaton, opus)