lnq 👨🏿‍🦱: 305
Showing posts with label 305. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 305. Show all posts

/ 🎭'Aegypt' in Easter

Aegypt, de facto leader of GO[description:= Black male, late-40s/// character:= a charismatic, military-trained street philosopher who has nothing but honest intentions for his followers, unfortunately, city politics sees him as a terrorist and looks to do away with what he is building]

/ 🎭'Palm' in Easter

Palm, ex-spouse of Pascha[description:= White female, early-30s in 1978, mid-60s years in present-day/// character:= impulsive Southern belle-type who made questionable choices in her youth, now a dead ghost👻 haunting Pascha, she was frequently at odds with him because of her past dalliances; what's left of their relationship these days is mentally apoplectic, but both still honored "the deal"]

/ 🎭'Earl Ellis' in Easter

Ellis, a sleazy business executive and key member of Lily's pod[description:= White male, 35-45 years /// character:= team business analyst / econ whiz, nearly completely misreads how he comes across to others thus becoming unintentional comic relief, gateway drug user, a late-life bloomer who schmoozes his way into opportunities yet is undeniably good at what he does]
bing graphic of Earl Ellis in Easter soap opera

/ 🎭'Lily' in Easter

Lily, daughter of Pascha[description:= λ White female, 40-42 years /// character:= single mother of (adopted) twin preschoolers, Antoney and Isabell Ndongo, on the cusp of 'finding' herself, an intelligence operative (= technical admin. + government liason) employed as a close business associate of Maundy, cutthroat, licentious, very calculated, fast-paced MBA-type who - as team lead (pod = Lily, Gruber, Ellis) - is just as invested as her boss in making sure the company is in a secure position, super stressed, sides with her mother in despising her dad but would be unsure why if she did some self-introspection, clinically diagnosed with anxiety disorder and manic depression]

/ 🎭'Bunny'🐰 in Easter

🐇Bunny, understudy of Pascha[description:= White female, early-30s years, thicc build (5'6'', 150lbs.-- must really be able to "squeeze in them jeans"), strong features of her Greek/Mediterranean heritage (dark hair/eyes) /// character := on loan to the CGIS-Philadelphia from NCIS-Quantico, she looks nice but she's not nice, imposing and intimidating, sapiosexual, sly, bold, opportunistic, a cold and conniving dyke]

"They ask us to be rational in an irrational world. That kind of tension inevitably creates a spark." - Bunny

Erin Schaut headshot portrait

/ 🎭'Pascha' in Easter

Pascha&, protagonist/antagonist -- a notorious retired ensign[description:= α White male, 60s years /// character:= heroic, a first-rate detective of extraordinary ability with an irascible militant itch, gunslinger, country at his core, hard-headed, southpaw, claustrophobic, aged+diseased, grossly flawed and deeply insecure, oft-soliloquous, has an affinity for Greek mythology, drunk and suffering from chronic blackouts, funny, habitual yet improvisational, lucky but unfortunate (the only son of Jake and Rachel (both deceased) - his paternal half-brother, Benjamin "Benny" is a lost soul), instinctive, experienced, seasoned, now at the stage where he is remorseful, relocated/switched cities (Elsewhere→Brandywine) for professional purposes, a severely skeptical 🍀Scots-Irish Catholic, our random walker, modeled partially after John McCain, Roy Rogers, and Brett Favre]Conveyed with ventriloquy and allegory.

aged Bruce Willis

Who killed Pascha?

-- That question is the tagline. For reference, 'Pascha' ("Pash") is the generic name (meaning 'Easter') being used here for none other than that dude from The Detective series. --

For legal purposes we have to remain generic, but we can recognize that there's only one person that fits the description.

"Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker!" - Pascha

A little backstory, I started the Easter project as a response to a Parkinson's disease bounty (imaging alpha-synuclein) offered by the Michael J. Fox Foundation. The technology created in accomplishing that has little to do with this article, so it shouldn't be further mentioned, just know the idea for Pascha being ill with neurodegneration was originally an off-shoot of a science problem.

Anyway, our guy's in trouble...

Bruce Willis* had mentioned over the years that he'd be open to acting a conclusive telling of his most well-known character if done right. There were other writers that made their submissions 'somewhere', but since I'm an arrogant s.o.b., mine obviously made the cut. Bringing his story to conclusion was challenging because I wasn't sure where to start.

We know that he's older these days. Entering old age for him has been especially painful because of his yesteryear heroics. He's been bruised, beaten up, escaped near-death situations, and he also is/was a habitual chain smoker🚬. Coupled, those things alone are enough to have serious (side) effects on the body (and mind). I figured he'd probably be an 🍺alcoholic, as well, to cope. That right there may be a precursor to diabetes, which Type-3 of the disease is essentially Alzheimer's. So, now he has a 'natural' progression into declining mental+physical health.

He's slower, too, which is normal. But here it's noticeable because he's scared, and retired. Pascha did a lot of dirty things in his past, and now he has to own up to them. He's a responsible person, but his demons are occupying nearly all of his emotions. It's hard to live life full-throttle when you're constantly looking over your shoulder (metaphorically-speaking). Was there something he missed? Is there anything worthy to look forward to? These are serious questions.

Our guy is depressed.

Depression can lead to 🧠brain cavities, which can cause dysfunction in basic neurological activity. Poor 🧠brain health is a possible contributing factor in neurodegeneration, of which Parkinson's may be a symptom. You see where this is going.

He doesn't like himself very much these days, but, he's in good company. He's pissed off so many people over the years, he just assumes he has enemies wherever he goes. As decorated as his career may have been, Pascha never felt that he deserved 'thanks'. He's at the realist point in his life - nearing its end.

Hospice nurses have reported patients seeing loved ones only revealed to their 👀sights in the time leading up to their deaths. There's also the so-called 'rally'; where a patient who is otherwise dying, makes one last hurrah for a brief period of well-being before passing. We're not quite sure what Pascha is experiencing, but he damn sure is hallucinating (an actual symptom of Parkinson's).

That said, he's still one of the world's finest detectives. He's still a fighter. He's still a pain in the ass. He's still Pascha. And most importantly, he's still alive.

"I was a fool to think otherwise .. the only thing that matters in the end is what loves you back." - Pascha

"All things being equal, I'd rather be in Brandywine." - Pascha

/ Apolipoprotein E (APOE)

/ 6MHA

dHP1 Chromodomain Y24W variant bound to histone H3 peptide containing trimethyllysine

/ 5MLA

/ protein L

(see also ++list)


(see also ++list)

/ stewc tax as universal basic income

There is considerable chatter about a universal basic income (ubi) both here in the United States and abroad. The argument is probably amplified in smaller economies, but there are some interesting points (from a financial perspective) that I'd like to discuss (and compare with the notion of compliance) in this article.

First of all, a waxed-over definition: the ubi is a bit of socialism, where some government distributes a fixed amount of money to persons (citizens) for a set period of time, regardless of their current economic status (ie. cash on-hand, employment, etc.). What is not known (only evaluated) by the government are the intentions and use cases of the resources by its recipients.

/ add ¢ents to the basket

blah blah

/ evolute

(see lnq🧑🏿)

/ tie (music theory)

(see slur, RONALD)

/ identity (equality)

Pertinent to dyadic forms, an identity between objects (asymmetric* endofunctors) :== or occurs when an opus' measurable and permutable extrema commute (ie. idempotent yield deviation ≡ 0).** Asymmetry here simply means that the cryptokey is subject to attack variants, but the image itself is a one-way function. The normal way to see this is by decryptionencryption equating fibors with spectral line frequencies. In terms of juking, such a dyadic form exists where the walk of a minor scale and major scale are identical. (See font, coverage, patch, u-u, γ-proof, 🍄meshroom, MONEY, toy, zero-bubble. Compare structural formula)
/// +Discovering identities is the 'name of the game' (or the 'hussle of the puzzle🧩', as I like to say). Identities are what best help organize strategies for fleet learning.
+Probably the most prolific and profitable class of identities is going to be peptides, drugs, and their design We probably won't know which molecules and fonts match up with each other until an ai is run on both sets of classes to determine similarities in shape + size.

/ lnq's Magic Jukebox

Author+Publisher: Link Starbureiy

/ Fefferlen Orange's Adventures from 🌈Rainbow Junction

Author+Publisher: 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy