lnq ๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿฟ‍๐Ÿฆฑ: theory
Showing posts with label theory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label theory. Show all posts

/ an introduction to toy theory

sketch: when considering sets with warped elements or those having similar components with unramified locales, the easiest way to perform any pertinent analysis is with a toy theory. Doing so simplifies both locally and globally melodic scales. We introduce the theory of toys as a new tool for mathematics with clopen properties.

/ quantumquotient

Theorist: ๐Ÿง‘๐ŸฟLink Starbureiy
The quantumquotient (Q♭/Q♯) [abbreviated→QQ], or, in the context of stewcing, "how to typeset", axiomatizes an algebraic curvature ๐Ÿ”“/rootkey - the quantum (Q♭) of The Origamic Symphony๐ŸŽถ (Q♯) - for computing some ratio (hyper/hypo)^ of ¢ents๐Ÿช™ with which it is idempotent (ie. establish a chargecryptocurrent).@@ The theorem (itself a macro ctf๐Ÿ) was first posed by ๐Ÿง‘๐ŸฟLink Starbureiy, who, in suggesting QQ is provable, conjectured that token-based automata is ideally both kernelized and fungible.๐Ÿค“ ^^ May colloquially be refered to as '๐Ÿง‘๐Ÿฟlnq's eyes' (see ๐Ÿง‘๐Ÿฟlnq's motif).

"Statistically, you cannot generate data without using energy. Also, there is no such thing as non-virtual data generation. Corollary: all virtual data is generated statistically." - ๐Ÿง‘๐Ÿฟlnq
/// Information occupies finite cells; in any data exchange, cryptocurrency is at play. So, objectively, desired is compressed data to yield maximal current.

A lemma of Q♭ seeks to exploit (with gameplay) the fitness of ๐Ÿ”‹e:e statistics [a saturated load-balancing from twistor residues].### ∃ a transactor between preimaging and imaging. -- Problem: show that ¢ent๐Ÿช™ homotopy is normalizable. Hint: classifying all fonts should suffice.
/// +The definition of quantum here = 'economically dyadic'.
+To control compliancy.
+The overall objective is to find (+exploit) the fonts. Coverages are used to 'trap' them, whilst classifying 0-bubbles qualifies as brute-force sorting. So, basically, it's fonts vs. foam.
+The hypothetical solution is to resolve the Juke Lemma (ie. fully sequence EGP). QQ can be proven (shown to be true) with identities.

"A QQ proof is like having the masterkey๐Ÿ”‘ to the Universe. Someone armed with it can literally charge the world." - ๐Ÿง‘๐Ÿฟlnq
/// Think of the proof as being like some sort of an engine that powers twistorspace.

The quantumquotient always assumes crypto abnormalcy~ (ie. hyper/hypo < 1, and PBQP).~~ statistical volatility Plainly, it is a query into how much (an estimate) of a given distribution of e:e statistics [hyper/hypo] is optimal (ie. MONEY)(?). In a parimutuel system, the hyper- numerator can remain (hypothetically) asymptotic* iff there exists a hash function (auction) that can bring about perpetual normalization.** This is because the set of fonts is infinitesimal compared to the total fibor count.

The aim is for a collapsible wave function: persistent/redundant cache-credit idempotence (global cryptocurrent), which [(hyper,hypo) ≅ crypto] would be theoretically achievable with a secure๐Ÿ” [sequenced == all 2,028 fonts identified] payload (courtesy of u-u economics). (See Juke Lemma, juke tax, string ludology, UUelcome, Starbureiy automaton, The Origamic Symphony๐ŸŽถ, ๐Ÿง‘๐Ÿฟlnq's Requiem, +list. Compare fusion energy gain factor)
Function map: Q ... Juke Lemma → ... Pink Poemฮณ-proof

/ string ludology

String ludology (commonly abbreviated SL), or "loopstring➿ theory" :== a formal attempt to game all possible twistor classes in mesh derivation per The Origamic Symphony๐ŸŽถ (ie. extrapolate a playbook from superstring theory). Since ฮณ-proofing is our objective, SL can be simplified to 'how to make ¢ents'.
TOS /// Conceptually, it is heterotic; borrowing from polypeptide folding mechanics, as well as from the mathematics of so-called string theory.

SL assumes that the foundation of any game (and juking in general) is based on a randomly coiled curvilinear path [string] which is subject to specific ludological constraints; namely that it is lyrically bound. (compare string theory)

/ game theory

(compare ludology)

/ superstring theory

(see Egglepple, string ludology, Strings@50)

/ mathematics

Mathematics :== an ambiguous way to prove or disprove ideal behaviors of objects.
/// An 'open story of counting', it must be said that mathematical methodology is a cumulative effort (ie. rigorously built atop previous checks).

As libraries* for computing functions, mathematicians use its models to formulate theories/theorems/identities/errata.** We acknowledge the so-called 'Big Five (5)' active areas in mathematics to be [1-5 labeled alphabetically]: algebra [1], analysis [2], arithmetic [3], geometry [4], and music [5]. As far as I am concerned, the basis of math is juking. (see mathemusic, mathletics, recreational mathematics, mathematical model, Mathilda, ๐Ÿ““So, you want to be a mathematician?, The Mathemagician, Opus Solve, physics, information science, game, cryptosport, ๐Ÿงฉpuzzle)

"The essence of mathematics is not proof, but conjecture." - lnq๐Ÿง‘๐Ÿฟ

/// +There are three (3) classes of mathematics: pure, applied, and recreational (pure,applied ∈ recreational). This definition covers all three (3), and may be referred to as polymathematics. A mathematician is someone who advances classical mathematics.
+In my line of work, I think of so-called 'recreational mathematics' as a type of (among other considerations) reverse engineering, where we are re-creating known structures/models for study and understanding. As an example, in ๐Ÿงฉpuzzle solving, I may take a known and solved (from means other than juking) macromolecule (eg. protein), and juke that fibor so that it can identified+databased. (see also Pajamas)
+Mathematics is a type of low-technology, as well as being its own industry.

math.AG (algebraic geometry), math.AT (algebraic topology), math.AP (analysis of partial differential equations), math.CT (category theory), math.CA (classical analysis and ordinary differential equations), math.CO (combinatorics), math.AC (commutative algebra), math.CV (complex variables), math.DG (differential geometry), math.DS (dynamical systems), math.FA (functional analysis), math.GM (general mathematics), math.GN (general topology), math.GT (geometric topology), math.GR (group theory), math.HO (history and overview), math.IT (information theory), math.KT (k-theory and homology), math.LO (logic), math.MP (mathematical physics), math.MG (metic geometry), math.NT (number theory), math.NA (numerical analysis), math.OA (operator algebras), math.OC (optimization and control), math.PR (probability), math.QA (quantum algebra), math.RT (representation theory), math.RA (rings and algebras), math.SP (spectral theory), math.ST (statistics theory), math.SG (symplectic geometry)

/ Filament Theory

/ proof theory

(see also y-proof)

/ automata theory

/ auction theory

/ music theory

/ letter theory

/ theory hash

/ earl

earl (from "encrypted algebraicly-rational leaf") is UUe's systolic array. It uses cellular automation to batch process ellis. This is the Pink program's cantata.

earl "mutates" based on the transposition (inclusion/exclusion) of cells on the circuit.

In the theme of simulacra, earl is cellular (cyto) so as to be continually re-purposed for stereotyping stews.

Notes (+): + In other words, represent the compute layer for EGP calculations.

+ 'Cellular automation' refers to the behavior of networked core processors designed as a systolic array.

+ earl complements ellis. This is the subject's sonata.