lnq ๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿฟ‍๐Ÿฆฑ: compile
Showing posts with label compile. Show all posts
Showing posts with label compile. Show all posts

/ patch

In terms of security๐Ÿ”, a patch :== an arbitrary morphism between separate categories that induces a categorical limit on their vulnerability. Put another way, a patch [non-residue] initiates some recompute (resulting in a change of topology at an inflection point) of a walk.

As combinatorial generators, patches create (a supply of) theoretical graphs which help calibrate stew choreography when mapping relational categories; hence, patches are (decorative) bundling objects (compare ribosome).

Included in the patchwork pipe (a-z) is the prepatch ('prep'), which is a pre-release of an official/actual compile. These usually will highlight new objects that need to be tested before committing to a stable (release). (see bug, toonage, bubblegum, coverage, improvise, ฮณ-proof, cassette, signature, sticker)