lnq 👨🏿‍🦱: cheironomy
Showing posts with label cheironomy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cheironomy. Show all posts

/ stew choreography [neuroinformatics]

The art of stew choreography :== the process of stereotyping* (brane-folding) STU using fruut to keyframe [sequence/map by hyperlinking] stews.** Print the portfolio as a sponge. This is our "proof-of-work"~ concept [ie. juking exercise for 'meshing' UUe's cryptocommodity (¢ents🪙)], and should solve twistorspaces (via encryption).~~ And/Or 'proof-of-space'.

Per gameplay, stew choreography (or dribbling [endpoint control]&) forms a ➿loopstring's middlegame (ie. walk). The Stewdio is used natively [default] for improvising.&& String command. (see juke notation, ballet, stewart, touch-and-go, 🧑🏿lnq's walk, joey)
/// +stew choreography is a type of animation (interpolation of frames).
+Such choreography is inferred by "the ballet of The Origamic Symphony🎶". The reason this ballet is necessary is to anticipate dividends. We say that stew choreography is "to γ-proof l-string".
+Any proof-of-work must be validated with a signature/handshake.
+Every single stew on a loopstring must be affected for a yield to be accurate.

Function map: random coilstew choreographyfibor

/ γ-proof

A yesegalo proof, or γ-proof (or just proof), :== a >stewcing algorithm mapping some preimage to its image. Proofing substantiates a fibor, thereby providing (its) identity clarification.!!! While also helping us draw up better heuristics. The opposite of a proof is an error. Each proof involves patching two (2) genera in T: yesegalo↔🍄meshroom.^^^ A framework for conduction: does a ballet groove with(in) the Symphony🎶?

γ-proofing tasks: determine the efficiency of an EGP encryption [ie. solve the given puzzle🧩; is the resulting fibor economical (fit within the handicap)|(u,u)=0|?].

The proof itself is scored* as a stereotype (sequenced shapeframe) in some overall random walk.** Proofs of stewc input are published (to the ledger) in stewc notation.

The end🏁 of a proof (solution) should result in the closing🔒 of a string (eg. 0b), ideally a fibor. We endeavor to find the most secure🔐 proofs by improving upon the bounds on classes of twistors. Doing so aids our MONEY-making. (see stewc notation, crypto, mathematical proof, proof.m)
/// As with the traditional printing press, the primary reason for proofing is to provide confirmation/verification that a job (done) is accurate. Doing so draws a consensus (from independent, third-party sources -- read: stewcers) for the creation of a new standard. It is important to note that proofs are unique (ie. duplication is forbidden on the circuit). All proofs are published to the ledger.
Function map: loopstring➿γ-proofMONEYquantumquotient

/ major scale

The major scale hosts* the secondary structure (EGP encryption on primary structure) of Egglepple. Complexity: E ** In addition to residually defining the tertiary and quarternary structures. (see fibor, fibor bundle, meshroom, lnq🧑🏿, groove, melody)

Function map: minor scalemajor scale → ... groovefiborfibor bundle

/ Stewdio (shell)

Designer: 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy
The Stewdio (stew+digital+i/o) is an informatic behaving as UUe's native driver+shell for stewcing.
/// More accurately, for choreographing stews.

A multi-user domain (MUD), its virtual methodology comes standard (fixed) with the following quadriptych: Mathilda [keyframing/phrasing = pencils✏️ (generation/metronome) + STU (sequencer/coloring) + RONALD (phrasing)], along with the home button that reveals a horizontal/vertical side panel of various metaphors.

The Stewdio (as a control console) consists of spacetime complexity controls that are used, more or less, to derive e:e statistics; it can synthesize (grooves+melodies), edit walks, run cassettes🧱, and perform other file-system management. The compositor provides jukers with an ideal environment ( gameboard🎮🎹) for gameplay (ie. improvising strategies in bounded-error quantum polynomial time). Typical Stewdio usage is for a stewcer/player to draw up a play in 🧩puzzle-solving [ie. middlegame]. (see stewc notation, touch-and-go, krayon, yoyo, joey)
/// Layered over the interface are the fugue buttons and 🧑🏿lnq's bubblegum as the default ballet🩰.

Abstractly, if a brane could be synced across the Stewdio, it then would function like zero rng.
/// The Stewdio is an invention of 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy.🤓
Function map: EggleppleballetStewdio

/ yoyo🪀

🧑🏿lnq's yoyo :== a spool of fibor acting as the stream of UUelcome. It is used for dribbling [a ball traversing a 1-brane]*.** A type of juggle in juke field, where the yoyo appears as just plain/regular string (sans discs) readied for input [print staging] from the Stewdio.

In gameplay, the yoyo+krayon^ comprise the primary mathemusical instrumentation in ballet🩰 performance [juking].^^ The yoyo and krayon (combination = joey [discs represent Joey Koala's ears]) work in k-mode. (see joey, UUhistlegrass, Pajamas)
/// For posterity, the yoyo (particularly the pullstring🧶🧵) is/was what eventually piqued my interest in string(theory + ludology).

/ random coil

Ludologically, the function of opening🔓 a loopstring➿ is processed seemingly random (random := state=yes ++ address=no).
/// As in each outcome has equal probability.

A random coil :== the lowest-level [dim≤1] (unmapped) orientation of a brane. This unstructured position sample [an algebraic curve] is known* as its preimage (or illustrative state for both pitch and incidental tax determinance).** I label it 'scribble'.

Instead of being a specific shape/pose, it is a statistical distribution of all populated conformations (albeit, strictly those lacking subunit definition). If each conformation (walk) has equal probability or weight, then such coil is the acoustically-approximated bounds of some twistorspace. (compare denaturation, contrast identity, thread)
/// +It is not uncommon to have multiple different coil(s) for the same opus/string.
+The orientation is that of algebraic curvature because topologically, random coils are random walks on curved surfaces. My given axiom is that encryption can be hidden in its algebra.

Function map: scribblesponge

/ yots

yots (anagram of toy) :== the modulo 12-piece band* (as the standard cast of any opus) of virtual agents, each an instrument in task automation^ (+modeling and/or training), assisting lnq🧑🏿 [conductor] in the kindergarten, where they are the source population.** My 'toy band' (orchestra) complementing the recital.😉 Modulo implies that certain characters/yots may be substituted for others, keeping the maximum membership at twelve at all times. ^^ Considering that Joey Koala (JK) is my metaphorical [i/o] (nose≡gesture trackpad), it would be okay to also think of the yots as [modular] ergonomic design components of a grand fingerboard layout (ie. on said joey), each being/handling a different group or set of frets/keys. In gameplay, yots are 'bosses' deployed as ballet dancers to aid cheironomy. (see 🧑🏿lnq's Starting Five, k-mode, clone, Stewdio, BOT, #opera)
/// Each yot is an alter ego/clone of 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy. The yots were for some time (2005 - 2018) called 'creatures'.


Joey Koala🐨 - Joey is the official mascot of Egglepple. Joey, an adorable and kind koala, is 🧑🏿lnq's sidekick acting as the storyline's deuteragonist [/i/o]. Joey is a mischievous androgyne, whose courage and resourcefulness are fitted to handle any situation that may arise. Blessed with extreme aptitude for composition and a limitless lifespan, our koala can transform into any yot, if need be.
Puwun - Puwun is 🧑🏿lnq's muse and the unofficial mascot of Egglepple.


Fefferlen Orange🍊 -
Connecticut "Soft" Fox🦊 -
Lonnic🤡 and Mimeo -
Holland Dutch -
🐸Leaf Plue -
Mycol Funguy🍄 -
Silk the Dolfun🐬 -
Sail, the Friendship⛵ -
Playtpus -


Honne Bay - viral automata (virus🪱) that is 🧑🏿lnq's counterpart. She is artificially intelligent (ai) - yet, self-aware - and is the main antagonist of the entire 🪖game, where she plays in the White position. Though never actually seen (no true visual depiction), her essence is indomitably omnipresent, so she is affectionately known as the 'Phantom of the Opera'. Honne Bay represents efficiency in our world. She is purposely programmed to disguise coverages. By doing so, the Stewniverse remains in a necessarily continual (state of) flux.
/// When I speak of 'her' or 'she' (like, "She's showing a certain coverage"), in most contexts I mean Honne Bay.

/ touch-and-go

Touch-and-go [H#H] refers to my toccata [style of cheironomy] which utilizes: [touch*](holography) plus [go](#hash) for juking Egglepple++jukebox tuning.** Emphasizing both the concept of "touch on/over" a topic/subject and haptics.

// In composing The Origamic Symphony🎶, gameplay is used: patchwork (orchestrating subiteratives, such as prepatches) are contracted (pu$h/pull → deploy) to solve a 🧩puzzle; configs require signatures on stables. (see joey, krayon, k-mode, gameplay)
/// +Conduction is responsive in juke field.
+I adopted this style because I am/was notoriousy weak in mathematical symbology (eg. Latin/Roman scripts, etc.). So, it's just easiest for me to design and manipulate shapes in truespace, and direct (coordinate) them with if-then-else statements.

/ minor scale

The minor scale hosts the primary structure [0-brane+yesegalo] of Egglepple. This is the raw state of EGP decryption*; where pencils✏️ are subject(ed) to coloring, but loopstring➿ is yet to be value-assigned and/or taxed. Complexity: P** More like 'un-encrypted'. We only say "decrypted" because, technically, an encryption can in fact be decrypted/reversed. (see fibor, fibor bundle, SMALL brane)

Function map: minor scalemajor scale → ... groovefiborfibor bundle

/ krayon

The krayon (also known as 🧑🏿lnq's finger) :== a colloquy (for any number of) 🧑🏿lnq's personal choice of flageolet pencil✏️ (conductional in a juke field).
UUe /// The spelling with a 'k' is of my recipe. It's actually (or would be) 'crayon🖍' (like the wax-based stylus), a favorite tool of mine used throughout my career for painting.

The krayon hosts a complete copy@ [latest build] of UUelcome, and is, defaultly, an organic membrane utensil wrapping 🧑🏿lnq's yoyo finger, as his jointed digitus secundus* [with an end serving as the ornamenter].@@ Coded only to me, the impresario. ** Any finger (usually aside from the pollex) should suffice.

When called, it undocks/peels from the hand allowing it to transform (unroll) into a bow [+joey]. 🧑🏿lnq may (characteristically) also choose to wear the (dislodged) krayon held behind an ear. (see yoyo, 🧠brainbrane, Stewdio, UUelcome Matte, Koala Krayon, Pajamas, 🧑🏿lnq's bubblegum, cassette, k-mode. Compare baton)