lnq 👨🏿‍🦱: ed/labs


informatics engineering actuarial

Syllabus: The labs cover topics that may overlap each other (eg. statistics in SOA can be principally found in certain probabilistic instances of engineering exam samples). All of these tests assume some aptitude with linear algebra. Sessions are thorough, but you are invited to read the following suggested literature beforehand:
- IT: A+ Certification for Dummies (Mike Glenncross), CompTIA Security+ Study Guide (Chuck Easttom), Network Security Essentials (William Stallings), A+ All-In-One Certification Exam Guide (Mike Meyers)
- engineering: (see ABET curriculum textbooks for subjects, OSU capstone example)
- actuarial sciences: Actuarial Mathematics (Newton L. Bowers), Aspects of Risk Theory (Jan Grandell), Credit Risk Pricing Models: Theory and Practice (Bernd Schmid), Risk and Asset Allocation (Attilio Meucci), Financial Modeling, Actuarial Valuation and Solvency in Insurance (Mario V. Wüthrich)