lnq 👨🏿‍🦱: middlegame
Showing posts with label middlegame. Show all posts
Showing posts with label middlegame. Show all posts

/ stew choreography [neuroinformatics]

The art of stew choreography :== the process of stereotyping* (brane-folding) STU using fruut to keyframe [sequence/map by hyperlinking] stews.** Print the portfolio as a sponge. This is our "proof-of-work"~ concept [ie. juking exercise for 'meshing' UUe's cryptocommodity (¢ents🪙)], and should solve twistorspaces (via encryption).~~ And/Or 'proof-of-space'.

Per gameplay, stew choreography (or dribbling [endpoint control]&) forms a ➿loopstring's middlegame (ie. walk). The Stewdio is used natively [default] for improvising.&& String command. (see juke notation, ballet, stewart, touch-and-go, 🧑🏿lnq's walk, joey)
/// +stew choreography is a type of animation (interpolation of frames).
+Such choreography is inferred by "the ballet of The Origamic Symphony🎶". The reason this ballet is necessary is to anticipate dividends. We say that stew choreography is "to γ-proof l-string".
+Any proof-of-work must be validated with a signature/handshake.
+Every single stew on a loopstring must be affected for a yield to be accurate.

Function map: random coilstew choreographyfibor

/ γ-proof

A yesegalo proof, or γ-proof (or just proof), :== a >stewcing algorithm mapping some preimage to its image. Proofing substantiates a fibor, thereby providing (its) identity clarification.!!! While also helping us draw up better heuristics. The opposite of a proof is an error. Each proof involves patching two (2) genera in T: yesegalo↔🍄meshroom.^^^ A framework for conduction: does a ballet groove with(in) the Symphony🎶?

γ-proofing tasks: determine the efficiency of an EGP encryption [ie. solve the given puzzle🧩; is the resulting fibor economical (fit within the handicap)|(u,u)=0|?].

The proof itself is scored* as a stereotype (sequenced shapeframe) in some overall random walk.** Proofs of stewc input are published (to the ledger) in stewc notation.

The end🏁 of a proof (solution) should result in the closing🔒 of a string (eg. 0b), ideally a fibor. We endeavor to find the most secure🔐 proofs by improving upon the bounds on classes of twistors. Doing so aids our MONEY-making. (see stewc notation, crypto, mathematical proof, proof.m)
/// As with the traditional printing press, the primary reason for proofing is to provide confirmation/verification that a job (done) is accurate. Doing so draws a consensus (from independent, third-party sources -- read: stewcers) for the creation of a new standard. It is important to note that proofs are unique (ie. duplication is forbidden on the circuit). All proofs are published to the ledger.
Function map: loopstring➿γ-proofMONEYquantumquotient

/ major scale

The major scale hosts* the secondary structure (EGP encryption on primary structure) of Egglepple. Complexity: E ** In addition to residually defining the tertiary and quarternary structures. (see fibor, fibor bundle, meshroom, lnq🧑🏿, groove, melody)

Function map: minor scalemajor scale → ... groovefiborfibor bundle

/ fruut

Fruut :== a class of transformers sourced from STU, and translated into the mesh geometrical primitives: rectangle, circle, and triangle. For identification purposes, we like to say that each shape corresponds to a 'fruit'; respectively: berry (alpha helix), banana🍌 (beta sheet), and lime🍋 (gamma delta) [colloquialized as 'bag'].

The fruut are part of the Stewdio's kit (complementing the flageolet) for transcoding (the parameters of) twistor fields so as to establish both intonation+melody/groove of The Origamic Symphony🎶. (see starberry)
TOS /// +It is prerequisite that mathematics begin with primitive notions. Hence, when postulating, we start at some angle and navigate from there.
+Geometric primitives are called such because they are the building blocks for other forms and shapes.
+The melody is a secondary actor in stew choreography (ie. essential for closing🔒 a loopstring➿ generated from its walk).
+Rule of thumb: fruut is for folding, and the flageolet is a metronome for pencil generation.

In time signatorial mode, fruut are the tools used for folding stews to derive (arrive at) a fibor. (see patch)

It is assumed that the shapes are true (ie. two-dimensional) by default, and can occupy higher dimensions of uuater (world volume).

/ Stewdio (shell)

Designer: 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy
The Stewdio (stew+digital+i/o) is an informatic behaving as UUe's native driver+shell for stewcing.
/// More accurately, for choreographing stews.

A multi-user domain (MUD), its virtual methodology comes standard (fixed) with the following quadriptych: Mathilda [keyframing/phrasing = pencils✏️ (generation/metronome) + STU (sequencer/coloring) + RONALD (phrasing)], along with the home button that reveals a horizontal/vertical side panel of various metaphors.

The Stewdio (as a control console) consists of spacetime complexity controls that are used, more or less, to derive e:e statistics; it can synthesize (grooves+melodies), edit walks, run cassettes🧱, and perform other file-system management. The compositor provides jukers with an ideal environment ( gameboard🎮🎹) for gameplay (ie. improvising strategies in bounded-error quantum polynomial time). Typical Stewdio usage is for a stewcer/player to draw up a play in 🧩puzzle-solving [ie. middlegame]. (see stewc notation, touch-and-go, krayon, yoyo, joey)
/// Layered over the interface are the fugue buttons and 🧑🏿lnq's bubblegum as the default ballet🩰.

Abstractly, if a brane could be synced across the Stewdio, it then would function like zero rng.
/// The Stewdio is an invention of 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy.🤓
Function map: EggleppleballetStewdio

/ improvise

In stewcing, improvisation :== the use of stew choreography to adjust^ a play and contort stewc field to force some zero-bubble (eg. tweak bubblegum with fibor bundling so that it fits a given handicap).^^ Recapitulate an aria.

This usually means that the juker will pursue a different walk with the intent of string closure🔒. Multiplier reliance is optional. Improvising requires both skill and strategy, and therefore, is not subject to chance.*** This is what differentiates juking from the likes of gambling. (see patch, γ-proof, RONALD)
/// Most stewcing activity is likely going to be improvisational because most fibor is subject to bundling. That speaks to the sheer volume of bubblegum in the system.

Stewcers, upon opening🔓 a token session (ie. coupon-building), may want to improvise for sake of ensuring maximum value on their deposit, or (more reasonably) to expedite gameplay/string closure🔒 via loop-erasure. The benefit of improvising is a straight flush💵 (tally of ¢ents🪙 accrued from proof-of-work within a session).

/ stew

stew A stew (stack e:e w) :== twistor datum*.** Most basic generator property.

It is conjectured that Egglepple's movements [closed circuits] exist between amplitudes on a cryptograph. These motifs* - known as stews - are analogous to string tunings, and aid in the stereotypography of fibor.** Array of typefaces. (see font weight, font size, MONEY, fibor bundle, quantumquotient, UUelcome)

Ludologically, as the definitive endgame🏁, we are said to find a stew at the normalization of twistorspace where a dyad is an identity; that is, when an opus' measurable and permutable extrema [maxima] commute (ie. idempotent yield deviation ≡ 0^).^^ That is, fret = 26¢ WITH handicap = $676.00. (see foam, link)

Cryptologically, a stew (an exploit) :== the transactor between the supremum and the infimum of hashes where the resultant is optimal/most secure🔐 (ie. transaction with no tax). Therefore, no fibor can be larger (in terms of twistorspace) than a stew.

According to jukebox operation (rotisserie), the complete count* of stews (f) is simply ballet coordination in sesquilinear form, so f=1,352 [from encrypted (676) plus decrypted (676) classes] × 1.5 = 2,028 [comprising four dyadic types: 507 (integer-integer), 507 (half-integer-half-integer), 507 (integer-half-integer), 507 (half-integer-integer)].** Each opus leaf set contains three (3) stews as a statistical mean.
/// A full sequencing of the payload (UUelcome) should reveal all motifs [Q♭].

Each stew ['brane cell'] is some derivative monomer^ (ie. portfolio plot) of Egglepple [e:e statistics].^^ As a potential inflection point. Stews - which, concatenated, determine the size of a string - are the 'building blocks' measured📐 from twenty-six (26) keys (A-Z) [hashed from STU], which, when choreographed, construct a mesh. (see Stewniverse, residue, loopstring➿, link. Compare amino acid)
/// The stew may be an analogue of a specific polymer, typically a biopolymer (almost always a polypeptide). UUe stereotypes a preimage (some loopstring configuration) to this image.

The stew is an invention/specification of 🧑🏿Link Starbureiy to outline how to throughput Egglepple in relation to UUe. This class of UX machinery is the first of it's kind in (the) industry.
Function map: pencil✏️γ-proofstew

/ fold

Folding :== differential steps in the process of a brane's animation (ie. symmetry-breaking) as it assumes its final topology. Attainment of this (solution) - the closed🔒 string - should result in a 0-bubble twistor [yesegalo🍄meshroom0b(u,u)].

For the most part, "to fold" an object is to bend, compress, twist, or otherwise permute it so that it becomes self-integrated according to its calculus. By-and-large, we accomplish this using fruut as part of stew choreography.

A fold would be an intermediate state within the walk process (preimageimage). Mathemusically, a fold is conguent to some movement.

Essential to stereotyping, our interest in folds and folding*, in general, is so that we can (more easily) synthesize middlegame makeup.** An act of hyperlinking (see The Origamic Symphony🎶, Gallivan fold, manifold, hyperlink, route, tip, knot🪢)
/// An inbetween will not always qualify for being one of these states.