lnq ๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿฟ‍๐Ÿฆฑ: fret
Showing posts with label fret. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fret. Show all posts

/ twistor

In a folding scenario, the twistor (u,u) :== a complex transform* of STU solved from stew choreography.** Defined by a tight (≤ handicap) walk.

Twistors are derivatives of unique plays embedded in twistorspace that are hedged from tablature. Statistically, twistors act as complexity catalysts and can have negative (vacuum) or non-negative (bubble) potential.

Let (u,u) be any two (2) leaves sequenced for stewcing. A twistor is an operator that associates a stewcable dyad (egg,epp) in a finite field with curvature which is coded to eventually become a zero-bubble. Twistors are measured with ¢ent๐Ÿช™ values that are typically small (ie. frets).
/// All twistors are assumed to be fit. We stewc (hedge) in order to identify those folds which are ideal/most fit.
Function map: stew choreographytwistor

/ tablature

Tablature is the table of frets (font sizes, 1¢ +) available to a given opus. It is indicative of a 'buy-in'* multiplier. You are buying time (1 token ≈ 1 minute [1000 ms]).

We derive the valuation as the logarithm with a base product of pencil✏️ count by font weight, and an (egg,epp) quotient (or, even simpler: handicap/2600). Complexity: P

/ fret

A fret (ie. activation fee/price-per-token) or coin :== a conjectured ideal phenomenon in juking. Theoretically, it is the "lowest-level juke [as one-twenty-sixth (1/26th) of a sporadic group]" at one ¢ent๐Ÿช™ (penny), where the value is derived from the ¢ent๐Ÿช™ formula [fret = logn(b/a) | {b,a = (u,u), n = font size × font weight}]. Its representative tablature indicates the range from which integer-spin statistics are obtained. (see bid)

The significance of the fret (and the idealism of it) is its extreme affordability; one ¢ent is considered to be Nature's 'disposable income'. Mirroring chemistry, the fret would be the lowest available energy level [resonance].

In everyday vernacular, most, if not all, jukes hedging opus handicaps are assumed to be so-called "(penny) frets". That is, their fret is typically worth "pennies on the dollar" or "cents on the dollar". The fret itself may be an accurate description of a general deposit because standard coupon deviation is registered by table.
/// +In theory, attaining a per-¢ent๐Ÿช™ fret is challenging because of tablature efficiency conditions; where the greater the number of pencils (and hence ¢ents), the heavier the string, resulting in a juke with a wild count.
+In practice, a pure 'penny' (1¢) fret is infeasible in two-dimensional (2d) vector space because such a fret is not congruent with any handicap, and for this reason, we improvise (ie. choreograph in twistorspace). Routinely, quotient normalization happens when the handicap becomes saturated.

/ penny fret

A penny fret (or what I call a 'penny piece') is just that, a one-¢ent๐Ÿช™ (1¢) fret. This fret is a gratis activator.*** The reward for participating in the network. (See foam, link, crypto normalization, penny stake. Compare ground state)

/ ¢ent๐Ÿช™

mathemusical cent Mathemusically, a ¢ent๐Ÿช™ :== quantum measure as the ratio* of two (2) (close) frequencies.** Made from stew choreography. For the ratio (a:b) to remain constant over the frequency spectrum, the frequency range encompassed by a ¢ent must be proportional to those frequencies. Scaled๐ŸŽš, an equally tempered semitone spans 100 ¢ents (a dollar) by definition.

According to The Origamic Symphony๐ŸŽถ, an octave^ - the unit of frequency level when the base logarithm = [font size × font weight] - spans twenty-six (26) semitones (intervals/measures), and therefore, 2600 ¢ents.^^ The interval between the first and second harmonics of the harmonics series. Because raising a frequency by one (1) ¢ent is equivalent to multiplying this constant ¢ent value, and 2600 ¢ents doubles a frequency, the ratio of frequencies one ¢ent apart is calculated as the 2600th root of 2 (~ 1.00026663)!.!! pip = .00026663. (see ¢ent formula, crypto, fibor, juke tax, MONEY, stew choreography, residue, u-u economics, link, ๐ŸŒžfunshine)
TOS /// Economically, the ¢ent (cachecredit) is the rudimentary u-u crypto object (used to measure/determine the size of twistorspace). Reward function-wise, ¢ents are transacted in the twist economy as the negotiable instrument [ie. purchase, pairing, etc.].
+Physically, ¢ents are the practical universal currency.

/ crypto normalization

Also known as 'optimal tuning', crypto* normalization, or, plainly, normalization, :== regulating links so that the juke tax (a limiting quotient) is load-balanced when perturbations to the router are overweighted [eg. excess tokens].** In terms of cryptocurrency.
The eventuality that - because the jukebox can purse^ but not bank - a crypto normalization implicates juking as complexity-agnostic at inflection points [instances where hyper/hypo1], would bias the Pink Poem to tipping (concavity or convexity).^^ Taxation is a debit function. (see u-u economics, quantumquotient, penny fret, c@$#tag, ๐Ÿง‘๐Ÿฟlnq's bubblegum, ๐Ÿง‘๐Ÿฟlnq's walk, thread, parimutuel, Funday)
/// Quotient normalization is a preliminary step in parimutuel auctioning.

/ dividend

(see tip, c@$#tag)

/ fibor bundle

A fibor bundle (a function of taxation and/or renormalization) :== two (2) or more fibors combined/connected, which itself forms another fibor. This is Egglepple's quaternary isoform. (see ๐Ÿ’ฑswap, bubblegum, hyperlink, minor scale, major scale, coverage, foam)

Function map: minor scalemajor scalefiborfibor bundle

/ foam (rotisserie)

(The) foam :== our subgroup where loopstrings➿ are lissome* (a potential precursor for font assortment); it is the range (a normed vector space) of frets that are all worth no more than twenty-five pennies๐Ÿช™ (1¢ - 25¢) on the rotisserie.** The majority (bulk) of all juking probably takes place in the foam, even though no fonts are to be found herein.
/// +I call it 'foam' because it's a small investment trapping where you can multiply your coupon.
+As a rule-of-thumb, the more twistorspace a string occupies, the more secure๐Ÿ” it is.