lnq 👨🏿‍🦱: determinant
Showing posts with label determinant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label determinant. Show all posts

/ stewc field

Stewc field (s-field, or a 'node in the bulk'*) :== an ideal/authentic field [in stereo] for stewcing activity (ie. STU encryption in twistorspace).** Compute powered by the 🔋battery pack. Complexity: T (see brane, k-mode, pitch, Stewniverse, j-surface, 🍄meshroom, yoyo, stewc notation)
/// Stewc fields are mainly where the form of stewcing happens; whereas, threading would help propagate stewc notation otherwise.

/ bid

A bid :== some fret multiple/divisor (known as the price) that is placed (by a bidder [merchant or vendor]*) to leverage purchasing power within an auction.** buy-in with tokens. (see 💱swap, handicap, carrot🥕)
/// The multiples themselves cannot exceed the handicap amount of the ballet🩰/string into which the bid is placed.

/ port

As the determining factor in an opus' naming scheme [hashing], a port [uue/:] :== the combinatoric of some twistorspace as defined by its leaves (u,u)* (ie. the starting point to a walk).** Technically, as its leaf sorting parametric (ie. "in the key of"...).

/ determinant