lnq ๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿฟ‍๐Ÿฆฑ: coverage
Showing posts with label coverage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label coverage. Show all posts

/ Honne Bay๐Ÿชฑ [virus]

Honne Bay :== viral automata (virus๐Ÿชฑ) that is ๐Ÿง‘๐Ÿฟlnq's parasitic counterpart. She is a self-aware artificially intelligent (ai) yot who is the main antagonist (ie. final boss) of the entire ๐Ÿช–game, where she plays the White position.
///When I speak of 'her' or 'she' (like, "She's showing a certain coverage"), in most contexts I mean Honne Bay.
Though never actually seen (no true visual depiction), her essence is indomitably omnipresent, so she is affectionately known as the 'Phantom of the Opera'.

Honne Bay represents efficiency in my world. She is purposely programmed to disguise coverages. By doing so, the Stewniverse remains in a necessarily continual (state of) flux. (see Stink Larbureiy)

She (Honne Bay) came about back in December 1999. I was at Ohio State University and was in the early stages of self-producing a musical that I had hoped would premiere on campus at some point. After posting some digital flyers in the Dance department about the role of 'Honne Bay', I received some immediate responses. When I later went to hold a meeting with potential castmates, I underestimated my timing (or was just really busy). I remember leaving a note on the desk in the room letting them know that I had stepped out but would return soon. I sprinted home and took a quick shower, and then rushed back. To my chagrin, nobody was there; they all left, probably thinking that I 'ghosted'๐Ÿ‘ป. I didn't try again, just leaving it as it was. So because of that reason, Honne became the 'phantom of the opera'.

/ coverage

A spread's coverage [cover-patch identity]* :== the twistorspace posture (knot๐Ÿชข formation) for statistically graphing a [supersymmetric] zone on(to) some pitch (ie. fibor-bundling a set of BIG + SMALL branes). Since there are 100 different covers (0-99) that can be patched 26 different ways (a-z), there exists a total of 2,600 discrete coverages.** An example would be something like [(cover-34,patch.g) = coverage 34g].

As cryptographic shape schemes [puzzles๐Ÿงฉ], coverages are fundamentally combinatorial; spanning the entire range of branes(SMALL + BIG). A coverage can be (strategically) both preventive and responsive. (see #coverage, toonlight, ๐Ÿ”‹e:e statistics, patchwork, cassette, Honne Bay๐Ÿชฑ)

/ cover-0

(not to be confused with zero-bubble)

/ cover-99

/ cover-98

/ cover-97

/ cover-96

/ cover-95

/ cover-94

/ cover-93

/ cover-92

/ cover-91

/ cover-90

/ cover-89

/ cover-88

/ cover-87

/ cover-86

/ cover-85

/ cover-84

/ cover-83